Title:PSVP Report Presenter’s Name: Bob Evans Economy: PSVP Coordinator 33rd APEC Transportation Working Group Tokyo, Japan October
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October AGENDA Report on PSVP visits to Thailand and Vietnam and the outcomes of those visits. Adoption of recommendations from the report Program Overseer and MEGSEC A/Chair to advise APEC conditions for participation in PSVP. Economies to indicate agreement or alternative proposals Development of timetable for future participation to complete visits to all Economies Economy reports and discussion of next phase, namely the establishment of cooperative measures to optimize the use of the “best practices” and “needs” of Economies, identified during visits.
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Report on PSVP visits to Thailand and Vietnam Thailand: Date of Visit: July 5 th -9 th 2010 to the ports of Bangkok, Laem Chabang, Kerry Siam Sea Port and BMTPacific Port.
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Thailand Visit Team Information: Mr. Bob EvansAPEC Program Coordinator Lt.Col(Retd)Hj Rizal Fauzan bin Hj Mohd BahrinBrunei Darussalam Team Member Commander Richter Tipton (USCG)USA Team Member Mr.Suchart WongwaiThailand Liaison Officer Haji Mohd.Yussof Haji SharbiniBrunei Darussalam Observer
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October The Team
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October River Traffic
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Visits to date Papua New Guinea Oct Team:Canada, Thailand, Australia Ports: Port Moresby, Madang, Rabaul This was the initial visit upon which the final Manual was based. Philippines Oct Team: Japan, Korea Ports: Manila, Cebu, Davao, Batangas Korea/Japan April 2009 Team: Australia, Philippines Ports: Busan Incheon, Fukuoka, Yokohama
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Australia May 2009 Team: Vietnam, PNG, Ports: Brisbane, Townsville, Darwin Thailand 5-9 July 2010 Team: Brunei Darussalam, USA Ports: Bangkok, Laem Chabang, Kerry Siam Sea Port, BMTPacific Sea Port Vietnam Aug 2010 Team: Australia, Singapore Ports: Ho Chi Minh, Haiphong, Quang Ninh, Hanoi
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Projected Visits Prior to December 31, 2010 Indonesia: November Team: Singapore, PNG Ports: Tanjong Priok, Surabaya. Brunei Darussalam December 13 th -15 th Team: Volunteers please!
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Conducting a Visit requests are promptly responded to A forward program is established “Areas for Consideration” are acted upon Establish continuing information sessions to update Economies on progress.
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Comments from Team Members Victor Chan (Singapore) Vietnam visit. “The PSVP has provided a good platform for APEC economies to identify and share best practices from one another and also help economies to determine areas that might need further improvement for considerations.”
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Future Proposals and Recommendations for Endorsement by MEGSEC All Economies should participate both as a Host and in providing a Team Member. The PSVP cannot simply be a visit with no further action being taken. The purpose of the PSVP is to determine not only areas where an Economy might benefit from some external assistance, but to identify Best Practice which could be used to provide that very same assistance to another Economy. An Economy must seek assistance through the MEGSEC Chair if the PSVP is to fulfill its intended purpose.
JAPAN rd APEC Transportation Working Group, Tokyo, Japan, October Recommendations for consideration by MEGSEC MEGSEC members to endorse the continuation of the program and agree to indicate proposed involvement so that a forward schedule can be drawn up. Note the recommendations made subsequent to each visit and agree to their implementation in the Manual Consider and agree to a Phase 2 process which will build on the results of the visits.