I say, you judge Rules (游戏规则): Say 'Yeah, Yeah, Yeah' if you think it is true. Say 'No, No, No' if you think it is false. If you see, please clap your hands twice.
You have a happy family. You like English! You have four hands( 手 ). You are twelve. You have two eyes (眼睛). You have some pencils. You have some toys. You like toys. You don’t have any friends.
Watch and answer How many boys? Who are they? How many girls? Who are they?
Read and choose What do Mike and Helen have? A. Toy cars B. Toy animals. C. Stickers
Read and answer How many do they have? I have _______ toy cars. I have _______ stickers. thirteen fifteen
Read and think Q1: Does Mike like toy cars? Q2: Does Liu Tao like toy cars, too? Q3: Does Helen like stickers? Q4: Does Yang Ling like stickers, too?
Listen and imitate Read correct and fluently 准确、流利的朗读 Read fluently and beautifully 流利、优美的朗读 Act it out with emotions 有感情地表演 Tip: 注意语调,加上丰富的 表情和动作, 表演会更生动哦!
Homework 听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。 预习课文下面的数字单词,找一找它们之间的 联系,并想一想怎样巧记它们。 和别人用英语交流你们拥有的物品,并说一说 有多少个。