LAST WEEK FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Let Us Consider the Following Texts: Matthew 5:8Matthew 5:8; Titus 1:15, 16;Titus 1:15, 16 James 1:27James 1:27; 1 John 3:3.1 John 3:3 We have some “purity issues” that Yaba Baptist Church should address to help us prepare for our true worship, What are they?
m 21/07/2013’S TOPIC:- FASTING AND PRAYING DEVOTIONAL TEXT:- 2Chro. 7: Chro. 7:12-18 LESSON TEXT: - Ezra 7:6-10; 8:21-23 Ezra 7:6-10; 8:21-23
AIM:- (1.) affirm the Christians’ source of security in the face of obvious security threats and demonstrate stronger trust and more faith in God for their life ventures; and (2.) mention some of the situations that can make us proclaim a fast and share testimonies of previous answers to fasting and prayer.
I.MISSION OVERVIEW (EZRA 7:6-10)EZRA 7:6-10 A. Ezra’s Qualifications (v. 6a);v. 6a B. Ezra’s Request (v. 6b);v. 6b C. Ezra’s Traveling Companions (v. 7a);v. 7a D. Ezra’s Trip (vv. 7b-9);vv. 7b-9 E. Ezra’s Dedication (v. 10).v. 10
II. MISSION PREPARATION (E ZRA 8:21-23)E ZRA 8:21-23 A.Proclaiming a Fast (v. 21a);v. 21a B.Purpose of the Fasting and Prayer (v. 21b);v. 21b C.King Witnessing About God (v. 22);v. 22 D.Prayer and God Answers (v. 23).v. 23
TIME FOR DISCUSSION What are the situations that should make us to proclaim fast in our personal and church life? What are some reasons people give for fasting nowadays? Are they all acceptable before God?
POINTS FOR DISCUSSION: Isaiah 58:3-8; Matthew 6:16-18; Luke 5:33-35; Acts 13:2, 3; 14:23. Isaiah 58:3-8Matthew 6:16-18Luke 5:33-35Acts 13:2, 314:23
TIME FOR DISCUSSION: A.Why do some Christians depend more on security outfits, night-watch men, guns and bomb-detectors, than God? B.Under what circumstances should Christians seek or accept the protection of earthly authorities if any? And Why?
POINTS FOR DISCUSSION: Consider These Texts: 2 Kings 8:32 Kings 8:3; Nehemiah 2:1-9Nehemiah 2:1-9; Esther 8:1-14Esther 8:1-14; Isaiah 30:1-3Isaiah 30:1-3; 31:1;31:1 Acts 22:25-29Acts 22:25-29; 25:1125:11
CONCLUSION:- 1. Fasting without prayer amounts to hunger strike. 2. Fasting and prayer, whether personal or corporate, has spiritual blessing. 3. Do not seek help from ungodly people; only walk with them wisely. 4. As Christians, we should have faith and trust God when we are engaged in important mission projects.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: 1. He was no “Pretender” vv.1-5;vv He was a Well-informed Teacherv.6a;v.6a 3. He was Authorised by the Reigning Authority vv.1&6vv.1&6; 4. He had God’s Approval v.6.v.6 Let Us Personalise and Self- Examine Ourselves on Ezra’s Credentials for Being a Leader
THE GOLDEN TEXT : Ezra 8:23 Ezra 8:23 “So we fasted and petitioned our God for this, and He listened to our prayer.”