Agenda Recap of Events Upcoming Events SHPE Announcements
SHPE Junior Event was a great success! 24 Students attended We are well on our way towards starting our new SHPE Junior Chapter!
Upcoming Events Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
EOY BBQ NEW LOCATION: Robinson Field Wednesday, May 9 12 PM – 4 PM
EOY Outing Saturday, May 12 th Time: TBD Top 20 members are invited! (look out for an ) Questions?
Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers SHPE Announcements
Amendments to SHPE- Rensselaer Constitution This amendment is needed for to oversee the SHPE Junior Chapter. Amendment IX Amendment Proposed to Article VIII, Section 2 8. There shall be a SHPE Junior Committee whose duties and responsibilities are to: Directly oversee SHPE Junior Along with the SHPE E-Board, select the members of the SHPE Junior E-Board (includes a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) as described in the SHPE Foundation’s SHPE Junior Business Plan Initiate and maintain contact with high school administrators and SHPE Junior Chapter members for chapter activity continuity Identify a member of the high school faculty to serve as the SHPE Jr. Chapter Advisor Establish at least three programs per semester (ie. leadership, pre-college, etc.) Submit progress reports to the SHPE RPI President as requested Report to the first SHPE-RPI E-Board meeting of every month to provide updates This committee is the responsibility of the Vice President and Freshmen Representative