Essential Question: Champion of the “Common Man”? “King” Andrew? OR
Voting Requirements in the Early 19c
Voter Turnout:
Why Increased Democratization? 3 White male suffrage increased 3 Party nominating committees. 3 Voters chose their state’s slate of Presidential electors. 3 Spoils system. 3 Rise of Third Parties. 3 Popular campaigning (parades, rallies, floats, etc.) 3 Two-party system returned in the 1832 election: Dem-Reps Natl. Reps.(1828) Whigs (1832) Republicans (1854) Democrats (1828)
Jackson ’ s First Hermitage Residence
First Known Painting of Jackson, 1815
General Jackson During the Seminole Wars
The “ Common Man ’ s ” Presidential Candidate
Jackson ’ s Opponents in 1824 Henry Clay [KY] John Quincy Adams [MA] John C. Calhoun [SC] William H. Crawford [GA]
Results of the 1824 Election A “ Corrupt Bargain? ”
Yankee Misfit in the White House Characteristics –Puritanical honor – –Great popularity Plans for Administration –Construction of roads, canals, national university, astronomical observatory –Means higher tariffs –Cherokee were dealt with fairly by JQA – but Georgia resisted those attempts of equal treatment
States Expand Voting Rights Under John Q. Adams – voting rights expanded because many states eliminated property qualifications –1824 election 355, 000 Americans voted or 26.9% of the electorate – million Americans voted or 57.6% of the electorate voted – giving A Jackson the presidency
Rachel Jackson Final Divorce Decree
Jackson in Mourning for His Wife
1828 Election Results
The Center of Population in the Country Moves WEST
Jacksonian Revolution Jackson won the popular vote and the EC Jackson received support from the South and West while New England States liked Adams Political gravity shifting away from the north – (Essex Junto/ Hartford convention anyone?) Adams still had a great political career – getting elected to the House of Reps
People’s President Orphaned at the age of 14 Received little formal education Elected to represent TN in congress before the age of 30 Famous for the Battle of New Orleans in the 1812 War Captured Spanish Florida – Took part in 5 duels killing 1 of his adversaries
Advent of Old Hickory Personal Battles –Dysentery, malaria, tuberculosis, lead poisoning Characteristics –Rough, jack of all trades, genuine folk hero –Violent temper, got into many duels –From the west – lived in a fine Mansion (the Hermitage) –Ignored the Supreme Court on Occasion – used the veto 12 times –“Inaugeral Bowl” –King Mob
The New “ Jackson Coalition ” 3 The Planter Elite in the South 3 People on the Frontier 3 State Politicians – spoils system 3 Immigrants in the cities.
Jackson ’ s Faith in the “ Common Man ” 3I3I3I3Intense distrust of Eastern “establishment,” monopolies, & special privilege. 3H3H3H3His heart & soul was with the “plain folk.” 3B3B3B3Belief that the common man was capable of uncommon achievements.
The Reign of “ King Mob ”
Andrew Jackson as President
The “ Peggy Eaton Affair ”
Cabinet Crisis & National Set Back “Matty” or the “Little Magician” “Eaton Malaria” Maysville Road Veto
Nullification Crisis Tariff of Abominations – many South Carolinians threatened to secede John C. Calhoun – The South Carolina Exposition and Protest –Robert Hayne (SC) & Daniel Webster (MA) Debates –Jackson Position – “Our Federal Union is tmust be Preserved”
Congresses passes the Tariff of 1832 – considerably less on the % of tax on imports SC not satisfied --- adopted an Ordinance of Nullification Jackson considers this treason – orders a war ship to Charleston FORCE BILL Henry Clay – Great Compromiser
1832 Tariff Conflict > “Tariff of Abomination” > new tariff 3 South Carolina’s reaction? 3 Jackson’s response? 3 Clay’s “Compromise” Tariff?
The Webster-Hayne Debate Sen. Daniel Webster [MA] Sen. Robert Hayne [SC]
Webster: Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable. Jackson: Our Federal Union—it must be preserved. Calhoun: The Union, next to our liberty, most dear.
Indian Removal 3 Jackson’s Goal? Indian Removal Act 3 Cherokee Nation v. GA (1831) * “domestic dependent nation” 3 Worcester v. GA (1832) 3 Jackson: John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it!
The Cherokee Nation After 1820
Indian Removal
Trail of Tears ( )
Jackson ’ s Professed “ Love ” for Native Americans
Jackson ’ s Use of Federal Power VETO 1830 Maysville Road project in KY [state of his political rival, Henry Clay]
The National Bank Debate Nicholas Biddle President Jackson
Opposition to the 2 nd B.U.S. “Soft” (paper) $ “Hard” (specie) $ 3s3s3s3state bankers felt it restrained their banks from issuing bank notes freely. 3s3s3s3supported rapid economic growth & speculation. 3f3f3f3felt that coin was the only safe currency. 3d3d3d3didn’t like any bank that issued bank notes. 3s3s3s3suspicious of expansion & speculation.
The “ Monster ” Is Destroyed! 3 “pet banks”? Jackson vetoed the extension of the 2 nd National Bank of the United States the charter expired the bank went bankrupt!
Jackson & BUS Jackson regarded the bank as a monopoly that benefited the wealthy Jackson crushes the BUS –Removed Federal Money from BUS and placed it in state banks (PET BANKS) ---- WILD CAT BANKS –BUS – called in loans and stopped lending (Nicholaus Biddle) –Leads to Panic of 1837
The Downfall of “ Mother Bank ”
An 1832 Cartoon: “ King Andrew ” ? An 1832 Cartoon: “ King Andrew ” ?
1832 Election Results Main Issue?
The Specie Circular (1836) 3 “wildcat banks.” 3 buy future federal land only with gold or silver. 3 Jackson’s goal?
Results of the Specie Circular $Banknotes loose their value. $Land sales plummeted. $Credit not available. $Businesses began to fail. $Unemployment rose. The Panic of 1837! The Panic of 1837!
New Party Emerges KING ANDREW – a new party emerged to oppose him --- WHIGS – named after the party in England that worked to reduce the power of a monarch Platform – larger federal gov’t, industrial and commercial development, 1836 Election – Martin VanBuren defeated 3 Whigs
The 1836 Election Results Martin Van Buren “Old Kinderhook” [O. K.]
The Panic of 1837 Spreads Quickly!
Andrew Jackson in Retirement
Photo of Andrew Jackson in 1844 (one year before his death)
Van Buren Presidency – Panic of 1837 – –H–Highest unemployment in American History Tippecanoe and Tyler Too –T–Tyler – his Accidency –T–Third Bank? –W–Webster – Asburton Treaty