Institutional Data Flows at MIT Paul B. Hill CSG, May 1999
Major Databases to Cover Moira MITID NIC Roles Database Data Warehouse MITDIR
Where we were
Where we are
Where we want to be
Moira Central repository of data for the Athena environment Home grown solution, now with an Oracle back end Unlike a warehouse, it’s more like a “write- only” database 10 years after writing it we discovered it was a meta-directory
Moira MIT ID to Kerberos principal names mail lists group memberships IP address to hostname mapping printer info cluster info ACLs
Moira feeds data to: Warehouse DNS servers Hesiod servers KDC (new principal names) Mail hubs print servers Boot servers MITDIR NIC database NT ADS (future) KNFS servers PTS (AFS)
Moira gets data from: Registrar –manual processing of tape In the future the data from the Registrar will be obtained from the Warehouse. Visibility / Suppression issues need to be dealt with. Warehouse –data originally from Personnel User accounts –voucher, guests, special students –small ongoing updates done via Moira clients
More Moira info Current Moira schema:
Moira clients blanche batch list maintenance tool chfn change finger information chpobox change pobox location chsh change login shell dcmmaint alternate name for moira, starts in dcm menu listmaint alternate name for moira, starts in list menu mailmaint allows naive users to add/delete themselves on mailing lists moira primary Moira client with menus for all services usermaint alternate name for moira, starts in user menu
Moira comments Client applications allow users or system administrators to perform interactive updates. Some changes are immediate. Many take overnight to propagate. Used by other systems to maintain a unified name space, e.g. checked before creating a mainframe account.
MITID The MIT ID Database provides authorized lookup and assignment of MIT Ids Supposed to be immutable Still be used inconsistently
MIT ID Consumers –Accounts –Personnel –Graduate Student Admissions –P.E. Lottery –Warehouse Suppliers –Moira –Accounts –Personnel –Graduate Student Admissions –P.E. Lottery (spouses)
MIT ID comments Currently it’s not unique enough –100s of people with ID of nine 9s. –Warehouse uses Kerberos principal as the primary key. Not all principals are users. Some users have multiple principals. –NIC uses the Moira row number.
NIC Used for –X.509 certificate management –Tether account registration –DHCP registration Future: –will be used to update MITDIR –eventual management of DNS instead of Moira
More NIC Feeds –Moira –Warehouse Will feed: –Warehouse –SAP billing
MIT Warehouse The Data Warehouse provides the MIT community with integrated data from various administrative systems (subject areas), and stores the data in one location. The Warehouse is a “read-only” database, guaranteeing stability over time.
MIT Warehouse Balance Sheet Balances Balances Balances by Fiscal Period Commitment History Credit Card Current Commitments Financial Detail Graduate Awards Overhead Rates Personnel Purchasing Detail Space
Detailed info on the warehouse
The Roles Database The Roles Database provides a consistent way to store and maintain access rules for other applications, such as SAP. Authorizations are stored in the Roles system's central database; you use the front- end application to display, create, or modify them.
Roles Continued The Roles Database does not enforce the access rules that it maintains. –It only collects the information and distributes it to the appropriate applications, usually as a nightly data feed. –Applications with an interface to the Roles Database interpret the access rules from the Roles Database and enforce them.
Details on the web
MITDIR MIT white pages and grey pages –White page access via finger, whois, CSO, web form –Grey pages access via web form politics –data suppression issues –query limiting issues –changing information
Notably Missing LDAP –will probably use Microsoft ADS –If a need develops, will find something more robust –Global Catalog issues? NDS –little demand, trying to phase out central support
ADS No experience yet Will be a subsidiary database Major focus over next year –data propagation and synchronization –impact on MIT KDC
More ADS Latest MS Logo requirements still skirt the issues Large number of default attributes and classes –What do we need to use? –Will we need to add attributes?