Large Enterprise Management Anna-Greta Erikson Business Surveys Unit
Business Surveys Unit Decided November 2003, created March 2004 Goals –Co-ordination –Higher quality, better coherence –Simplify the data provision process for enterprises –Make the collection and editing process more efficient Areas of work: 50 largest enterprises, Enterprise relations, Data collection / editing
Improved quality through more efficient data collection Three focal points –Better relations to data providers –Unified data collection routines –Simplify the data provision process and ease the burden Better data collection will mean higher data quality Reduced burden can also mean higher quality
The largest enterprises – Key Providers The main reason to create a new unit focusing on the 50 largest data providers among businesses: Quality of statistics dependent on main data providers
The largest enterprises The largest enterprises are chosen by looking at the main economic indicators: Turnover Value added Employment Production value Balance sheet total Objective: To identify the most important data providers Large impact on National Accounts – when problems in data collection and inconsistencies
Gradually forming the group Key Provider Managers April 2004: 4 persons Jan – Dec 2005: 5 – 7 persons March 2006: 9 persons June 2006: 11 persons
Step by step forming the tasks Key Providers: 2004: 10 enterprise groups (13 enterprises) Jan 2005: 18 enterprise groups (26 enterprises) Jan 2006: 45 enterprise groups (56 enterprises) Jan 2007: 51 enterprise groups (65 enterprises)
Gradually forming the practical work (1) 2004: Directly work in 3 of the most important sources in National Accounts definitive yearly calculations: Production Intermediate consumption Investments Coherence analysis
Gradually forming the practical work (2) 2005: Initiates co-operation with short term statistics: Sources with up-to-date information Essential to better use and process the information Higher Quality through more effective use of information Reducing the administrative burden
Gradually forming the practical work (3) 2006: Routines of the Key Provider Managers Documentation Communication Effective use of information
Expanding Gradually Advantages –Get to know one enterprise at the time –Form the tasks to fit the real enterprises –Gradually building up competence in different statistical areas Pitfalls –Restarting the process of building a team of the key provider managers –Education in several occasions –Impatience of the organisation
Broad scope of work (1) Building a relation with the enterprises Offering a single contact point between the statistical office and the enterprise Know the enterprise and its group, data capacity and other unique characteristics Spread the information of changes within the statistical office
Broad scope of work(2) Continuous update of business register and profiling of statistical units Take part in the data collection and editing process Resource in the statistical office when solving measurement problems Resource when customized solutions are needed Coherence analysis – guarantee data consistency in the long run
Single contact point Intermediary in contacts between the enterprise and experts within Statistics Sweden Communicate the statistical needs and demands All questions relating to data reporting Reminders, extended deadlines, complaints, questions
Know the enterprise Legal and operational organisation Accounting and other administrative system Data reporting possibilities Unique properties
Updating BR / Profiling Legal and statistical units All information coming from all sources Decide on relevant and possible reporting units Enterprise units, Kind-of-activity units et cetera
Data collection / editing Handle all data from the largest enterprises Responsibility for quality and coherence If needed create specific data reporting possibilities for single enterprises
Coherence studies The surveys are part of a system – indicators are related Create an IT solution for coherence analysis In the long run: eliminate the need for post- collection coherence analysis
Broad scope of work Advantages –Really get to know the enterprises –Overall view –Coherence analysis easier when you know the figures –In-depth experience valuable in the profiling work –Learning to see patterns and to recognize traces of phenomena between enterprises Pitfalls –Risk to get caught in the continuing operations –Double loyalty Enterprise vs. NSI