Chapter 8 The Asian World
I. China A. Sui Dynasty 589 – 615 AD *followed the 6 Dynasties
Emperor Yang Chian *extended Grand Canal (1000 miles long) links Yellow (Haung He) & Yangtze Rivers worlds oldest & longest canal system
Grand Canal
B. Tang Dynasty *China richest & most powerful nation in world Chinese influence spreads: Japan, Korea, & S.E. Asia
Poetry of T'ang Dyn. Quiet Night Thoughts *by Li Po “Beside my bed the bright moonbeams bound almost as if there were frost on the ground.” Li Po
Woodblock Printing invented Tang Dyn. 704 AD The Diamond Sutra (Buddhist Text) *1st printed book 868 AD Diamond Sutra
Fine Porcelain Pottery = China
Zen Buddhism *meditation means to enlightenment
Empress Wu 683 AD *civil service exam for gov. workers
Firelance flamethrower *evolved into cannon
C. Song Dynasty 960 – 1279 General Zhao Kuangyin claimed Mandate of Heaven (power to rule from god) *China unified state fight off invading Mongols The Song Dynasty 960 A.D A.D.
Mandarins *Scholar- Gentry wealthy elite scholars passed civil service exam
Landscape (mountain – water) painting Tao “Way of Nature”
Neo-Confucianism fulfillment in life from good moral principles
Chinese Cuisine food we know today dev.s Ma Yu Ching’s (Bucket Chicken) *worlds oldest restaurant 1153
Footbinding (wealthy classed girl’s) feet tied with linen strips & toes tucked underneath
D. Yuan Dynasty st foreign dynasty in China *Mongols control China Kublai Khan “The Wise Khan” Grandson of Genghis founded Yuan Dyn.
Khanbaliq “The City of the Khan” renamed Peking (today Beijing) Xanadu Palace of Kublai
Marco Polo visits China *Yaun Dyn.
E. Ming Dynasty Hung Wu (Zhu Yuan Zhang) *Buddhist monk drove Mongols out founded Ming Dyn.
White Lotus Society *secret organization led revolt against Mongols led by Buddhist Monks Nanking Capital City
Emperor Yung La built Forbidden City *Emperors Home *Peking
Admiral Zhenghe 1405 – 1433 Voyages of Exploration Junks *Chinese Ships 1433 China isolates itself from World
Ming Vases today priceless
A rare underglaze copper-red Ming Dynasty ( ) vase sold for HK$78.52 million (US$10.13 million) in Hong Kong on Tuesday, setting a world auction record for Ming porcelain. May 30, 2006
II. Mongol Empire 1200's *largest land empire in history originated modern Mongolia Mongol Empire
A. Genghis Khan (Universal Monarch) *1st Mongol Emperor 1206 Temuchin **original name greatest conquer in world history
“Mans highest joy, is in victory: to conquer one’s enemies, to pursue them, to deprive them of their possessions, to make their beloved weep, to ride their horses, and to embrace their wives & daughters!”
Great Wall of China completed to keep him out 1215 destroyed Peking
Golden Horde *Mongol cavalry “Horsemen from Hell” *greatest nomadic fighting force of all time ride up to 90 miles a day
Takhi *Mongol ponies
Yam *Pony Express
B. Kublai Khan “The Great Khan” (Grandson of Genghis) *conquered all of China Yuan Dynasty founder 1271 rebuids Peking
Marco Polo * visits China 1271 Venice, Italy The Travels of Marco Polo & Description of the World books on his travels “Prince of Liars” *nickname Pasta *Chinese noodles to Italy
Marco Polo & Kublai Khan
Invasion of Japan Aug. 15, ,400 ships 150,000 warriors Kamikaze (Divine Wind) *Typhoon saved Japan
Khanates *Mongol territories 1. Khanate of the Great Khan - China 2. Khanate of Jagatai - Turkey 3. Golden Horde Empire - Russia Batu Khan (Kublai brother) controls Europe & Russia 4. Khanate of Persia
III. Japan Ainu *Prehistoric name A. Geography Archipelago chain of islands (3000 islands) 4 Main Islands: Hokkaido Honshu main islands Kyushu Shikkoku
Mt. Fuji volcanic mt. temples & shrines on slopes
B. Creation Myths: 1. Amaaterasu Sun Goddess *created Japan 1st Emperor 3 Gifts: mirror, a jewel, & sword
Amaterasu & Jimmu Create the World
2. Jimmu 1st Emperor? (mythical) 660 BC descended from Amaterasu
C. Yayoi People *early Japanese clans *family groups (common ancestors)
D. Shinto “Way of the Gods” *main religion of Japan stresses natures beauty Kami *nature spirits inhabit trees, rivers, & mts.
Shinto Temple
Shinto Priests
E. Rise of Japanese State 1. Yamato Clan 300 AD *strongest clan Yamato *1st & only Japanese Dynasty
Prince Shotoku *unified clans of Japan Seventeen Article Constitution created centralized gov. under supreme ruler
Selective Borrowing *mainly from China Zen Buddhism Philosophy Confucianism & Taoism
F. Feudal Japan Emperor Shogun (General) *most powerful Samurai Daimyo (Great Name) *great landowners Shogun Statue outside Imperial Palace
Samurai (Those Who Serve) *Warrior Knights Ronin *Samurai without lords
Ninja *spies & assassins
Bushido *Way of the Warrior *Samurai code of conduct honor loyalty simplicity courage obedience to ones lord Bushido
Seppuku or Hara-kari *ceremonial suicide
G. Nara Period 710 AD – 794 AD Nara *1st permanent capital Fujiwara Clan 's *take power from Yamato Emperor *Emperor becomes figurehead Fujiwara
Oldest wooden building in world Nara Period approx. 750 AD
H. Heian Period 794 AD new capital city Heian (modern Kyoto) “The City of Peace & Tranquility”
The Tale of Genji *worlds 1st novel 1000 AD by Lady Murasaki
I. Kamakura Shogunate Yoritomo Minamoto *1st Shogun defeated warring clans Minamoto
Kamikaze *Divine Wind 1281 saved Japan from Mongol invasion
J. Ashikaga *Feudal wars bt. Daimyo
Onin War *civil war bt. Samurais
K. Hideyoshi “The Bald Rat” 1580 *end to feudal warfare *defeated warring Samurai
L. Tokugawa “Great Peace” *unites Japan Tokugawa
Edo (Tokyo) *Capital City
M. Portuguese 1543 *1st European nation to trade with Japan The first Portuguese ship at Nagasaki
Francis Xavier *Jesuit Priest *brought Christianity to Japan 300,000 Christians 1600 AD
1639 Shogun expelled all Europeans Japan isolated itself
N. Nagasaki *only Japanese port open to world