UN Delivering as One: Capacity Assessment for Rwanda External Stakeholder Perspectives on UN in Rwanda March 2008 NOTE: This tool/guidance has been developed.


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Presentation transcript:

UN Delivering as One: Capacity Assessment for Rwanda External Stakeholder Perspectives on UN in Rwanda March 2008 NOTE: This tool/guidance has been developed based on the experiences of the DaO Pilot countries.

1 GOVERNMENT AND DONORS SEE ADVOCACY, TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT AS TOP CHARACTERISTICS OF UN TODAY Advocacy 4.0 Advisory - Technical Assistance 4.5 Programme management 3.5 Advisory - Policy 3.5 Direct implementation Government Research 3.0 Donors “To what extent do the following characteristics describe the Un in Rwanda?” 3.8 = Average score given by both Government and Donors Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Note: Stakeholder responses represented on a scale of 1-5 where: 1=“Strongly Disagree”, 2=“Disagree”, 3=‘Neither Agree nor Disagree”, 4=“Agree” and 5=“Strongly Agree” Source: Interviews with external stakeholders in Rwanda, including 2 Rwandan ministry officials and 4 bi-lateral donor officials, March 2008

2 GOVERNMENT AND DONORS STRONGLY AGREE THE UN IS A VALUED PARTNER AND ARE VERY WELL INFORMED ON ‘DELIVERING AS ONE’ Note: Stakeholder responses represented on a scale of 1-5 where: 1=“Strongly Disagree”, 2=“Disagree”, 3=‘Neither Agree nor Disagree”, 4=“Agree” and 5=“Strongly Agree” Source: Interviews with external stakeholders in Rwanda, including 2 Rwandan ministry officials and 4 bi-lateral donor officials, March 2008 Both Government and Donors see the UN as a valued partner in Rwanda.. …and are very aware of UN reform initiative underway “Overall is the UN a valued partner to your organization?” “How familiar are you with the UN reform initiatives in Rwanda?” DonorsGovernment Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree To a very great extent Not at all DonorsGovernment

3 POSITIVE CHANGE PERCEIVED FROM ‘DELIVERING AS ONE’ AND MUCH MORE CHANGE EXPECTED IN NEXT YEARS “There is a change in mindset. You see it already when you see the different UN representatives together” – Bi-lateral donor External stakeholders already see some change as a result of ‘Delivering as One’ Donors particularly expect to see further prioritization and focus in next years Source: Interviews with external stakeholders in Rwanda, including 2 Rwandan ministry officials and 4 bi-lateral donor officials, March 2008 “There are far fewer UN people around any table any day which is great. UN people are more informed about other UN people than they ever were. We are not getting pestered by agencies coming to us for funding” – Bi-lateral donor “The Common Operational Document should not become the sum of all activities. What we are really interested in is the prioritization of the COD on an annual basis. We will be watching for a year-on-year improvement on that” – Bi-lateral donor Team, please share quotes from your gvt / donor interviews

4 BOTH GOVERNMENT AND DONORS FEEL IT IS ESSENTIAL FOR UN IN RWANDA TO STRENGTHEN ADVISORY AND ADVOCACY INTERVENTIONS Advisory - Technical Assistance Advocacy 4.0 Advisory - Policy Research 2.5 Direct implementation Government Programme management 2.5 Donors “Do you agree with the statement that "It is essential that the Delivering as One initiatives and the One Programme lead to strengthening in the following area"?” 3.5 = Average score given by Government Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Note: Stakeholder responses represented on a scale of 1-5 where: 1=“Strongly Disagree”, 2=“Disagree”, 3=‘Neither Agree nor Disagree”, 4=“Agree” and 5=“Strongly Agree” Source: Interviews with external stakeholders in Rwanda, including 2 Rwandan ministry officials and 4 bi-lateral donor officials, March = Average score given by Donors

5 IN 5-10 YEARS, GOVERNMENT WANTS UN IN RWANDA TO HAVE MINIMAL ROLE IN PROGRAMMES AND 75% OF FOCUS ON ADVISORY WORK Donors see ~20% of interventions in programmes and ~50% in advisory work “What do you see as the intervention type mix in 5-10 years' time for the UN as a whole in Rwanda?” (1) “Other” defined as Development Coordination and knowledge sharing (e.g., conferences, workshops etc.) Source: Interviews with external stakeholders in Rwanda, including 2 Rwandan ministry officials and 4 bi-lateral donor officials, March % Government Research Programme management Advisory - Policy Advisory - Technical Assistance Advocacy Donors 100% Direct implementation Other (1) Government wants 75% of UN focus on advisory work (policy and technical advice) and donors would like to see advisory work make up ~50% of UN interventions Programme management Donors expect programme management and direct implementation to make up less than 20% of UN interventions in Rwanda; Government sees no role in direct implementation and minimal programme interventions

6 IN ADDITION TO CHANGE IN MIX OF INTERVENTIONS, EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS EXPECT INCREASED HARMONIZATION AND PROGRESS ON COMMON SERVICES “We don’t want to see the UN execute too much because others are better fit to do that…in policy, the UN system can play a major role” – Bi-lateral donor Expectations are around a change in the mix of interventions… …increased harmonization and division of labor with broader aid community… “We’d like to see more division of labor across the agencies. The key is how they fit with government priorities and integrate with the rest of the aid community…they have to join for the division of labor discussion” – Bi-lateral donor …and progress on common services “Common services and common communications is the main thing. If there is not a single financial management system and single recruitment systems then that would be very disappointing” – Bi-lateral donor “We want to see more commitment which means the UN stepping down in some places and focusing on division of labor and their comparative advantage. Ten years from now I would want them to be well integrated into the wider aid architecture” – Bi-lateral donor “We want the UN to move away from projects. They have small small programmes, not ones that really affect the economy…We want them to help us prepare our strategies for the different sectors and doing small interventions with big impact” – Ministry official Source: Interviews with external stakeholders in Rwanda, including 2 Rwandan ministry officials and 4 bi-lateral donor officials, March 2008 Team, please share quotes from your gvt / donor interviews