What is the N9G Tool Box? The N9G tool box provides the field with helpful information on a wide range of subjects. The tool box provides information to CNIC Regions & Installations; keeping them “audit-ready” at all times. We have provided each of you with a tool box, just make sure as we provide you a tool monthly, you keep it in your tool box!
Topics that will be filling your Tool Box Monthly Cost of Goods Sold November Cash & Cash Handling December Managers Financial Review January NAF PersonnelFebruary Contracts April Reconciliation July Assets Inventory August Refreshment Policy December
Can you use Appropriated or Nonappropriated Funds for Meals and Light Refreshments? Sources: DOD OGC memorandum for Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) dtd Sep 01, 2005 and DON Office of the Assistant Secretary (Financial Management and Comptroller) dtd May 12, 2006
In general, an agency may not use appropriated funds or non-appropriated funds to purchase items considered personal expenses, such as food, without specific authority. Refer to “sources” on page 4 of the slide deck
Conference organizers may, however, collect personal funds unofficially from participants to purchase snacks and refreshments. This is basically a situation of “passing the hat,” and such collections must be truly voluntary. These unofficial costs are not reimbursable to the attendee/conferee
Exception #1 Non-Negotiable Conference Fee 1.IF there is a hotel or conference center charge for a room fee; and the fee includes light snacks and drinks; and the fee is non-negotiable; and the fee would be the same with or without the snacks and drinks; then NAF or APF dollars can be used to pay for the room fee which would include the light snacks and drinks. Example: The conference room at a local hotel* will cost $500 and includes light snacks, coffee & water. Without the light snacks, coffee & water the cost of the room will still be $500. * Subject to conference rules and regulations
Exception # 2: Meal Provided During Training 2.If the training provided during the lunch hour is a requirement for the attendees; then a government provided lunch is appropriate. Note: If you are attending on government orders, the government provided lunch must be declared on your travel liquidation/voucher. Note: If the event is a government conference, and we have control over the schedule/agenda, this exception is not encouraged, and is only appropriate if the training schedule is so rigorous and hectic that a true lunch break not is feasible.