Proposal of APERC Medium-term Strategic Plan to APEC EWG36 Manila, Philippines 3-4 December 2008 METI, JAPAN 1
Revised Contents – Term: – Addition of new APERC activities – Revision of “APERC Performance Indicators” 2
Additional APERC Activities (1) 2.Goals for each activity (1)APERC must be able to provide research output to APEC member economies’ governments, as well as business and academic communities, so that it can make intellectual contributions equal or superior to those of other research institutions around the world. Specifically, APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook will be issued biennially, and priority will be given to research of particularly high relevance to topics addressed by the EWG and to important policy trends within the region. APERC will provide its full support to develop and implement the APEC Peer Review on Energy Efficiency (PREE), including compilation of compendium of energy efficiency policies of the APEC member economies. Research may also be performed under consignment from member economies or other entities that provide funding, however this shall only be to the extent that the consigned research does not hinder the above- mentioned research activities of APERC. 3
(2)With respect to transfer of energy research know-how, APERC will carry out tightly focussed projects with carefully chosen topics and target economies. It should base firmly on each member’s real needs so as to achieve definite improvement in members’ policymaking capabilities. The size of the projects will be adjusted based upon their performance. (3)APERC will aim to steadily improve the coverage, accuracy, and accessibility of its energy database including monthly oil data in cooperation with Joint Oil Data Initiative (JODI) and monthly natural gas data, thereby enabling APERC to function as an international data centre able to compete with other institutes around the world. (4)In all its activities, APERC should operate at optimum efficiency. 4 Additional APERC Activities (2)
Additional APERC Activities (3) 4.APERC Performance Indicators APERC should establish specific performance indicators in order to better measure the achievement of objectives specified in section 2, and seek approval of the EWG. These indicators shall include the following items. (1) Research activities Prioritised research topics - APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook - PREE - Other Research Topics Methods of improving communication with member economies’ policymaking authorities Indices and targets to measure efficacy (2) Know-how transfer programme Indices and targets to measure efficacy (3) Energy data network services Indices and targets to measure efficacy 5
Revised Indicators (1) 1.Research Activities Prioritized research topics -APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook -Compendium of energy efficiency policies of the APEC economies -Topics which serve to compiling APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook -Topics which serve to enhancement of energy security in the APEC region -Topics which serve to promotion of energy efficiency in the APEC economies -Topics assigned specifically by EWG or energy ministers Methods of improving communication with member economies’ policy making authorities APERC shall communicate on research activities through the EGEDA’s Project Advisory Group members more actively. 6
Revised Indicators (2) Indices to measure efficacy a. Access to APERC’s website Target: 22,000 (20,000) / year b. Access to APERC’s website by APEC member economies’ governments Target: 500 (300) / year c. Downloads of APEC Energy Demand & Supply Outlook Target: 1,200 / year d. Downloads of other APERC’s reports Target: 50,000 (600) / year e. Presentations at international symposia and academic societies meetings including APEC Meetings Target: 30 / year 7
Revised Indicators (3) f. A list of inquiries APERC received from member governments, private firms, academia and Non-APEC economies APERC will continue (start) to record such inquiries and review them. g. Extent of satisfaction among participants of APERC Annual Conferences and Workshops as indicated in their appraisal Target: 80% h. Numbers of Peer Review on Energy Efficiency Policy for Volunteer Economies Target: 3 economies / year i. Access to & Downloads of the “Compendium” after uploaded Target: 300 / year 8
Revised Indicators (4) 2. Know-how Transfer Programme Indices and targets to measure efficacy a. Extent of satisfaction among participants of the seminar on energy supply and demand outlook as indicated in APERC questionnaire surveys Target: 80% (for economies who participated in the seminar and requested expert dispatch) b. Extent of application in policy making processes of expertise learned during capacity building exercises APERC will continue (start) to conduct surveys for such applications and review them annually. 9
Revised Indicators (5) 3. Energy Data Network Services Indices and targets to measure efficacy a. Access to & Downloads from the website for APEC Energy Database System Target: 700,000 (140,000) / year b. Access to the JODI data Target: 600,000 / year 4. Operational Efficiency APERC shall continue to improve the efficiency of its operational processes and make efforts to decrease its dependency on financial support from the Government of Japan annually. 10
Thank You ! 11 Proposal of APERC Medium- term Strategic Plan to