Endangered Species A Collaborative Teaching Unit
Overview This lesson will be taught in collaboration with the fifth grade teacher and part of an overall unit on the study of Habitats. The class will be instructed in the use of Internet resources, including the Kid Infobits database of the Tennessee Electronic Library, to find information relating to endangered species. The class will be divided into small groups. Each group shall select an endangered animal, collect information on that animal and formulate a plan to combat its endangerment. At least one current article must be located through the Kid Info bits database. Each group will have a choice of formats by which to present the results of their research.
Assumptions Students will have an understanding of the term “endangered species” and will have already discussed in class some of the causes of endangerment and extinction. Students will have basic computer skills, such as using the mouse, entering data, clicking on links. Students will have limited or no knowledge of data base searching.
Equipment Required LCD Projector and White Board COW (mobile computer lab) laptops Time Required Two 40 minute sessions – scheduled media class Review endangered species and construct information web Instruction in database search skills. Small group assistance as needed – open library time Teaching strategies include whole class lecture and discussion, using the Internet with an LCD projector, whole class activity using handouts and a worksheet to learn basic database skills, and working with small groups to help with their research.
Tennessee Curriculum Standards Science The student will investigate how living things interact with one another and with nonliving elements of their environment. Classify specific kinds of relationships among plants and animals within an ecosystem. Classify specific kinds of relationships among plants and animals within an ecosystem. Predict the consequences of human action on the environment Predict the consequences of human action on the environment Identify environmental changes caused by living things. Identify environmental changes caused by living things. Predict the effects of human actions and/or natural disasters on the environment. Predict the effects of human actions and/or natural disasters on the environment.
Tennessee Curriculum Standards Language Arts Continue to use computer technology to find information, to create reports and presentations, and to support research. Continue to use computer technology to find information, to create reports and presentations, and to support research. Research topics and organize gathered information into presentable documents. Research topics and organize gathered information into presentable documents. Retrieve, organize and represent information. Retrieve, organize and represent information. Gather and record information. Gather and record information. Write to inform a particular audience about a specific issue. Write to inform a particular audience about a specific issue. Utilize resources available in the media center. Utilize resources available in the media center.
Tennessee Curriculum Standards Social Studies Detect cause and effect relationships to acquire information. Detect cause and effect relationships to acquire information. Identify relevant factual material to problem-solve and analyze data. Identify relevant factual material to problem-solve and analyze data.
Information Seeking Strategies Students will access and use a Webquest page created in advance with the Filamentality tool on the AT&T Knowledge Network site. This allows a user to set up a simple page of links to a specific topic or a webquest, using a simple fill-in-the-blank format and then gives you a URL for it. Students will access and use a Webquest page created in advance with the Filamentality tool on the AT&T Knowledge Network site. This allows a user to set up a simple page of links to a specific topic or a webquest, using a simple fill-in-the-blank format and then gives you a URL for it. Students will receive instruction in searching the Infobits database accessed through the Tennessee Electronic Library. This source will be used to find articles in current periodicals. Students will receive instruction in searching the Infobits database accessed through the Tennessee Electronic Library. This source will be used to find articles in current periodicals.
Lesson One What do we know about endangered animals? (We will view the slide show, Endangered Means There’s Still Time ( as a review of what has been learned in class. What do we know about endangered animals? (We will view the slide show, Endangered Means There’s Still Time ( as a review of what has been learned in class. What do we need to find out about the specific animal we select? Students will construct an information web. What do we need to find out about the specific animal we select? Students will construct an information web. Overview of websites linked to Filamentality page. Overview of websites linked to Filamentality page.
Information Web Chararacteristics Range What caused the problem Possible solutions My Animal
Lesson Two Data Base Searching Access Tennessee Electronic Library through a bookmark. Access Tennessee Electronic Library through a bookmark. Infobits Topic Guides – demonstrate the concept of starting with a broad term and going to a narrower term. Infobits Topic Guides – demonstrate the concept of starting with a broad term and going to a narrower term. Simple Search – demonstrates subject categories (searching endangered animals will bring a “See endangered species” prompt.”) Simple Search – demonstrates subject categories (searching endangered animals will bring a “See endangered species” prompt.”) Advanced Search – Boolean operators, date limits, wild card truncation, parenthesis, full text vs. keyword vs. title. Advanced Search – Boolean operators, date limits, wild card truncation, parenthesis, full text vs. keyword vs. title.Handouts: Explanation of terms from Infobits Help page. Explanation of terms from Infobits Help page. Worksheet to record number of hits using various combinations. Worksheet to record number of hits using various combinations.
Small Groups Tasks for each group: Select an endangered animal Select an endangered animal Complete a Fact worksheet on the animal Complete a Fact worksheet on the animal Construct an action plan to help the animal. Construct an action plan to help the animal. Action plans to be presented in class. Choice of: Action plans to be presented in class. Choice of: Poster Poster Oral report Oral report Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation Dramatic skit Dramatic skit
Expected Outcomes Students will have an understanding of some of the factors that affect our environment, particularly the consequences of human action. Students will have an understanding of some of the factors that affect our environment, particularly the consequences of human action. Students will have use critical thinking skills to formulate their action plan. Students will have use critical thinking skills to formulate their action plan. Students will learned basic database searching skills Students will learned basic database searching skills
Evaluation and Follow-up Completion of animal fact sheet and database search worksheet. Completion of animal fact sheet and database search worksheet. Students will be evaluated on their project by the classroom teacher. Students will be evaluated on their project by the classroom teacher. Follow-up activities will be conducted on other topics to reinforce and further develop database searching skills. Follow-up activities will be conducted on other topics to reinforce and further develop database searching skills.