Engine conversion from gasoline to compressed air
What is it? Who are we? Gasoline to compressed air Drivable, proof-of-concept car 5-10 mins mph Three groups: engine modification, vehicle integration, testing and analysis
Baja Engine 2-stroke vs 4-stroke Engine size Use existing Baja motor
Chassis Selection Go-kart and golf cart frames Building a frame Baja engine
Engine Modification Group Engine pulled apart Engine model number Survey of part quality Decided to weld camshaft to fix timing Ordered parts
Vehicle Integration Group Designed intake manifold Want to create car and engine in AutoCAD Secure air tanks Ordered parts
Testing and Analysis Group Create P-V diagram to calculate power output Estimate wheel horsepower, run time, efficiency, etc Prepare procedures for testing once engine complete Compare to theory P inlet P amb TDC BDC Pressure Volume