Comparative Alumni Research 2011 Update Overall Comparison: Lutheran Colleges to Flagship Public Universities Lutheran Educational Conference of North America December 2011
2 Alumni Research Update Purpose: refresh and maintain credibility of LECNA comparative alumni research addition of graduates to alumni database along with public sector graduates update the total years presented to graduates This presentation shows significant changes between recent and older graduates as well as significant differences between the total (all years) Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni.
3 Study Methodology Study conducted by Hardwick~Day using new LECNA colleges alumni interviews and interviews held in an alumni database minute telephone interviews conducted August 30-November 15, 2011 Graduates of graduating classes from four-year institutions Comparisons will be made between and graduates when significant changes have occurred Interviews are proportioned to be representative of the average enrollment over the study years with: –701 alumni of LECNA colleges and universities And a public university group: –573 alumni of national “flagship” public universities
4 Study Methodology The margin of sampling error differs by group and between groups according to sample size, but can be generally summarized as: - LECNA Colleges and Universities Total: +/-3.8 percentage points at a 95% confidence level / / Flagship Public Universities Total: +/ / /-7.0 Throughout this presentation, when there are significant differences between the timeframes ( and ), the differences will be shown by an arrow. When there are differences between the LECNA Colleges and the Flagship Public Universities in total, the higher number will be shown with an “S.”
5 The College Experience Graduates of Lutheran Colleges continue to be consistently more likely to experience many aspects of interaction with faculty and students than graduates of Flagship Public Universities.
6 Many Small Classes with Fewer than 20 Students Q.1 Please tell me how much you personally benefited from your college offering …(rating a 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=did not benefit at all, and 5=benefited very much) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
7 High Quality, Teaching-Oriented Faculty Q.1 Please tell me how much you personally benefited from your college offering …(rating a 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=did not benefit at all, and 5=benefited very much) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
8 A Majority of Classes Taught by Professors Q.1 Please tell me how much you personally benefited from your college offering …(rating a 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=did not benefit at all, and 5=benefited very much) S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni S
9 Professors Who Challenged, But Helped Meet Those Challenges Q. 2 How much did your college experience include the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=never, and 5=always) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
10 Friendships Developed from Classroom Experiences Q. 2 How much did your college experience include the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=never, and 5=always) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
11 Faculty Were Interested in Students Personally as Well as Academically Q.12 How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
12 There Was a Sense of Community Among Students Q.12 How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
13 Recent graduates of Lutheran Colleges were more likely than their older peers to experience some aspects of interaction with faculty and students.
14 Found a Mentor in College Q. 4 Who, if anyone, did you meet at your college who was a mentor or role model for you? S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
15 Professor Was a Mentor in College Q. 4 Who, if anyone, did you meet at your college who was a mentor or role model for you? S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
16 Conversations with Professors Outside of Class Q. 2 How much did your college experience include the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=never, and 5=always) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
17 Student Presentations in Class Q. 2 How much did your college experience include the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=never, and 5=always) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
18 For classroom structure and teaching style, the gap has only widened between the Lutheran Colleges and the Public Universities.
19 Classes Taught Primarily in a Lecture Format Q. 2 How much did your college experience include the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=never, and 5=always) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years = Significantly lower than previous years
20 The Use of Teaching Assistants in the Classroom Q. 2 How much did your college experience include the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=never, and 5=always) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
21 There are some areas where the ratings went up for both groups of graduates, perhaps showing that the public sector acknowledges the importance of these variables.
22 Extensive Classroom Discussions Q. 2 How much did your college experience include the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=never, and 5=always) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
23 Personal Interaction with Professors Q.1 Please tell me how much you personally benefited from your college offering …(rating a 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=did not benefit at all, and 5=benefited very much) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
24 The Integration of Values and Ethics in Classroom Discussions Q. 2 How much did your college experience include the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=never, and 5=always) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
25 Classes that Included the Perspectives of Women and Minorities Q. 2 How much did your college experience include the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=never, and 5=always) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
26 Informal Student Study Groups Q. 2 How much did your college experience include the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=never, and 5=always) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
27 For some aspects of interaction with faculty and students, recent Public University graduates report experiences more like those of graduates of Lutheran Colleges. Their percentages have increased, while those of the Lutheran Colleges have remained steady.
28 Interaction with Other Students With Shared Interests Q.1 Please tell me how much you personally benefited from your college offering …(rating a 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=did not benefit at all, and 5=benefited very much) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
29 An Emphasis on Personal Values and Ethics Q.1 Please tell me how much you personally benefited from your college offering …(rating a 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=did not benefit at all, and 5=benefited very much) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
30 A Good Balance Between Academics and Social and Personal Development S Q.1 Please tell me how much you personally benefited from your college offering …(rating a 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=did not benefit at all, and 5=benefited very much) S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
31 Active Participation Participation is higher for recent graduates of Lutheran Colleges and Flagship Public Universities on some activities.
32 Involved in Volunteer or Community Service Activities Q. 6A Were you involved in any of the following? Q.6B Did you have any leadership role in…? Had a leadership role: S 30%24%18%33%20%31% S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
33 Participated in International Study Q. 5 While in college, did you participate in…? S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
34 Graduates of Lutheran Colleges continue to be consistently more likely to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular experiences than graduates of Flagship Public Universities.
35 Participated in a College-Sponsored Internship Q. 5 While in college, did you participate in…? S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
36 Involvement in Academic Clubs and Activities Q. 6A Were you involved in any of the following? S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
37 Participated in Off-Campus Study* Q. 5 While in college, did you participate in…? * includes international study and other off-campus study experiences S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
38 Involved in Music or Theatre Performance Q. 6A Were you involved in any of the following? S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
39 Involved in Varsity Athletics Q. 6A Were you involved in any of the following? S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
40 Participated in Tutoring Other Students Q. 5 While in college, did you participate in…? S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
41 Involved in Campus Publications or Student Government Q. 6A Were you involved in any of the following? S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly lower than previous years
42 Financing the College Education The use of grants, student loans, and work to finance the college education have gone up for recent graduates of Lutheran Colleges, while remaining steady for Public Universities’ graduates. However, this does not seem to have an impact on the 4-year graduation rate among these graduates.
43 Student Was Primarily Responsible for Paying for College Q. 16 Not including any grant or scholarship sponsors, who was primarily responsible for paying for your college education?
44 Received a Scholarship or Grant to Attend College Q. 13 Did you receive a scholarship or grant to attend college? S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
45 Took Out Loans to Attend College Q. 14 Did you take out loans to attend college? Q.15 Were the loans a good investment on your part? Loan was a good investment :* S 98%92%93%95% 94% S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni Median: $22K Median: $20K = Significantly higher than previous years = Significantly lower than previous years
46 Student Usually Worked During College School Year Q. 17 Were you usually working during the college school year? = Significantly higher than previous years
47 Graduated in Four Years or Less Q. 18 How many years did it take for you to complete your undergraduate degree? S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
48 Satisfaction
49 “Completely Satisfied” with Quality of Education Q. 7 How satisfied are you with the overall quality of the education you received from your college? (Rating 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all satisfied, and 5=completely satisfied) “Satisfied” (4 or 5): 91%88%83%94%85%92%S S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
50 Their College Was Effective in Helping Them Be Prepared for their First Job Q.10 How effective was your college in helping you develop the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all effective and 5=extremely effective) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
51 Their College Was Effective in Helping Them Be Prepared for Career Change or Advancement Q.10 How effective was your college in helping you develop the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all effective and 5=extremely effective) = Significantly higher than previous years
52 Effectiveness of College in Developing Important Skills Graduates of Lutheran Colleges gave higher effectiveness ratings than Public University graduates to their alma mater in helping them develop a variety of skills. In some cases, there has been significantly higher ratings among recent Lutheran Colleges graduates.
53 More Effective in Helping Them to Be Leaders Q.10 How effective was your college in helping you develop the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all effective and 5=extremely effective) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
54 More Effective in Helping Them to Work as Part of a Team Q.10 How effective was your college in helping you develop the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all effective and 5=extremely effective) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
55 More Effective in Helping Them to Think Analytically Q.10 How effective was your college in helping you develop the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all effective and 5=extremely effective) S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni S = Significantly higher than previous years
56 Their College Was Effective in Helping Them Have a Sense of Purpose in Life Q.10 How effective was your college in helping you develop the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all effective and 5=extremely effective) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
57 Although effectiveness ratings for Lutheran Colleges are higher overall, for some skills, Public Universities have been given higher ratings by recent graduates, narrowing the gap.
58 More Effective in Helping Them to Write Effectively S Q.10 How effective was your college in helping you develop the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all effective and 5=extremely effective) S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
59 More Effective in Helping Them to Speak Effectively S Q.10 How effective was your college in helping you develop the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all effective and 5=extremely effective) S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
60 More Effective in Helping Them to Place Problems in Social and Historical Perspective S Q.10 How effective was your college in helping you develop the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all effective and 5=extremely effective) S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
61 Their College Was Effective in Helping Them Develop Moral Principles that Can Guide Actions Q.10 How effective was your college in helping you develop the following? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all effective and 5=extremely effective) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
62 Importance of Actions in Current Life Graduates of Lutheran Colleges gave higher importance ratings than Public University graduates on several attributes relating to their current life and career. Recent graduates of both sectors place higher importance on being well-off financially.
63 It is Important in Current Life and Career to Be Free to Consider the Moral and Ethical Sides of Decisions Q.19 How important [in your current life and career] is it to you to…? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all important and 5=extremely important) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
64 It is Important in Current Life and Career to Promote Racial Equality or Other Social Justice Issues Q.19 How important [in your current life and career] is it to you to…? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all important and 5=extremely important) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
65 It is Important in Current Life and Career to Affiliate with Organizations that Help the Disadvantaged Q.19 How important [in your current life and career] is it to you to…? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all important and 5=extremely important) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
66 It is Important in Current Life and Career to Raise a Family Q.19 How important [in your current life and career] is it to you to…? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all important and 5=extremely important)
67 It is Important in Current Life and Career to Be Well-Off Financially Q.19 How important [in your current life and career] is it to you to…? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all important and 5=extremely important) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
68 Church and Religious Activities While in college and in their current life, church appears to have a lesser role for recent graduates Lutheran College graduates do remain more likely than Flagship Public University graduates to be involved Among recent graduates, involvement with community organizations and K-12 schools is also down
69 Involvement in Church or Religious Activities While in College Q. 6A Were you involved in any of the following? S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly lower than previous years
70 Their College Helped Them Integrate Faith into their Daily Lives Q.12 How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=strongly disagree and 5=strongly agree) S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly higher than previous years
71 Q.20 In the past five years, have you been involved in the volunteer activity, that is donating time or money to church or religious organizations? S Involved in Past Five Years With Church or Religious Organizations S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly lower than previous years
72 Q.19 How important [in your current life and career] is it to you to…? (rating 4 or 5 on a five-point scale, where 1=not at all important and 5=extremely important) It is Important in Current Life and Career to Integrate Faith or Spirituality in Life S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni
73 Q.20 In the past five years, have you been involved in the volunteer activity, that is donating time or money to foundations or not-for-profit community organizations? Involvement in Past Five Years With Foundations or Non-Profit Community Organizations S S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly lower than previous years
74 Q.20 In the past five years, have you been involved in the volunteer activity, that is donating time or money to elementary or secondary schools? S Involvement in Past Five Years With Elementary or Secondary Schools S = Significant difference between Lutheran college alumni and Flagship public alumni = Significantly lower than previous years