Multiple Intelligences
Multiple Intelligences Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Some people can memorize formulas but can’t play a musical instrument Others can paint a mural but can’t write an English paper. What kind of learner are you?
Intelligences Kinesthetic- body smart Logical- number smart Intrapersonal- myself smart Visual/Spatial- picture smart Linguistic- Word smart Interpersonal – people smart Musical- music smart Naturalistic- nature smart List the two that you most identify with. Write them in your notes as “My Intelligences” (date it)
Homework Go to my wiki and go to the Multiple Intelligences Page. Direct link to site: Follow the instructions
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Are you surprised by your results? Why or why not? I am not surprised that I am a visual learner. I enjoy learning by looking at pictures, diagrams and science movies. I love the History and Discovery Channel. When I look at a visual image of something I can usually memorize its dimensions and how it is put together. I also love logical puzzles and mystery shows. I try to solve the CSI crime before the show does. I am also an amateur woodworker and love to build things with my hands. That would explain why I am a kinesthetic learner.
Give at least one example of how you have experienced your strengths in another science class. (If not in a science class, then where?) I identify with being a visual learner. When I was in tenth grade I took an Advance Biology class. We had an assignment to dissect a cat. We spent about two months studying the cat and its various parts. Two years ago as a teacher, I stopped into another class while they were dissecting cats and I still remembered all of the procedures and parts of the cat. I could visualize myself back in school doing the work myself.