INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER PHOTO CONTEST “4 seasons at the ISC” 1.COME TO THE ISC 2.TAKE PICTURES 3.WIN A PRIZE 4.GO TO (1. ) The international student center of the Tokyo Institute of Technology organizes a photo contest among all students, staff, professors and people from outside university. The best picture of the ISC of each season wins, For more information and instructions on how to apply please visit
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER PHOTO CONTEST “4 Seasons at the ISC” contest terms and conditions
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER PHOTO CONTEST Contest purpose The purpose of this contest is to show the building and activity of the International Student Center (ISC) throughout the four seasons of the year and serve as a joining activity between all students, professors, staff and people from outside the university
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER PHOTO CONTEST Prizes (1) Among the pictures presented for each season, the best twelve will be selected and among them there will be a 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd prize
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER PHOTO CONTEST Prizes (2) The prizes will be given in a ceremony together with the participants in the other contest of the ISC (“one campus, many cultures”) In October 2006 a ceremony will be held and 3 more prizes will be given among the 12 prized participants of all four seasons
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER PHOTO CONTEST Who can apply? Anyone can participate in this contest. –Japanese Students –International Students –Faculty –Staff –People from outside Tokyo Tech
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER PHOTO CONTEST Application (1) Pictures can be from the outside of the building as well as the inside, keeping in mind that the season should somehow be reflected in the picture Pictures will be printed at 27,7x19cm (width x height) (r=h/w=0.6859) Pictures must be in JPG format and must have been taken by the participant
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER PHOTO CONTEST Application (2) Application consists of one (1) picture of the ISC and the application form sent by The application form must be also signed and handed in at the reception of the international student centerapplication form The ISC will hold the copyrights for the pictures
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER PHOTO CONTEST Display 12 Selected pictures will be printed and displayed at the entrance of the international student center During one season the pictures of the preceding season will be displayed In october 2006 the winning pictures of all 12 months will be displayed for 3 days at the Centennial Hall and on the last one the Year prizes will be given. During this three days no pictures will be displayed on the ISC
INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTER PHOTO CONTEST Deadlines Autumn (Sept. Oct. Nov) Nov. 20 th 2005 Winter (Dec. Jan. Feb) Feb. 20 th 2006 Spring (Mar. Apr. May) May 20 th 2006 Summer (Jun. July. Aug) Aug. 20 th 2006 Deadlines apply for the presentation of the pictures. If it’s impossible to hand in the application form before the deadline, it can be presented afterwards, as long as the pictures were send before the deadline