Getting into Graduate School
Assignment: Choose a graduate program you think you would like to apply to HHow did you do this? HWhat did you come up with? HFunnel: start with all possibilities, do research on rest of questions to determine final 12 Hchoose some “reach” schools, some “likely” schools, and a few “very likely”
Application Process HFunnel from all possibilities to 12 you’ll apply to H2 internet sources: H2 internet sources:
Do your homework! HMost important Hfaculty/program Hpersonal preferences, e.g., geographical location
Aspects of Application Hgrades (transcripts) Htest scores (e.g., GREs) Hcover letter/statement of interest Hactual application form(s) Hletters of reference
2 parts of the process at university (know which is which) HGraduate School HIndividual program
“Apprenticeship” vs “Non- Apprenticeship” programs Hdifference in applying and getting in He.g., how may people decide on admission Hif “apprenticeship” model why you may not get in: Hnone of faculty interested in you Hfaculty who might otherwise be interested are overloaded w/ students Hgoing on sabbatical Hchanged interests
Who are the faculty and how do their interests match yours? HGraduate schools are more specialized than undergrad
How long will it take to get the degree and what does the curriculum require? HWhat they say vs reality: check with past or current students
What are the requirements for admission to the program? HGPA, GRE, completion of specific courses HGrades (transcripts) Htest scores, etc.
What is the application process? HWhat are you required to submit? HTo whom do you send your application? HDeadlines? HCV, statement of interest and cover letter (tailored to specific university and program) Hletters of reference
What are the costs for the program, tuition, fees, etc.?
What kinds of financial support are available? HGAs, TAs, RAs HStipend and what else? He.g., tuition & fee waivers, health insurance, etc. He.g., Wisconsin $16,000 stipend, but then $9,000 tuition and fees Hhow many years of support?