Slide 70 - Speciation: When a population of a species changes so much it becomes an entirely new species.
Slide 71 - Gene Pool: All the alleles in a population.
Slide 72 - Allelic Frequency Frequency = Percent The Percent of any specific allele (e.g. R and r) in the gene pool. Allele# of Alleles in Population Allelic Frequency R55/20 = ¼ = 25% r1515/20 = ¾ = 75% Total Number Alleles in population = 20
Slide 73 - Genetic Equilibrium Equilibrium = state of no change. When % of alleles do not change over time. This means population is NOT evolving! Allele Year 2000 Year 2005 R25%27% r75%73%
Slide 74 – What causes populations to evolve (aka moving away from genetic equilibrium) Mutation Genetic Drift Migration
Slide 75 - Mutation Changes in DNA sequence. Purpose of DNA is to make proteins. The mutated DNA will likely make a different protein and cause change in the organism. DNA Sequence: A-T-T-G-A-G-C Mutated DNA Sequence : A-A-T-G-A-G-C
Slide 76 - Genetic Drift Change in gene pool by chance events. Affects small populations!
Slide 77 - Gene Flow Movement of genes In and out of a Population.
Slide 78 - Species Organisms that can can mate, reproduce, have offspring which can also reproduce (are fertile).
Slide 79 - What can prevent mating in a population? Geographic Barriers Reproductive Barriers Barrier also means obstacle, wall, divide, etc.
Slide 80 - Geographic Isolation When a physical barrier (e.g. ocean) separates/isolates a population.
Slide 81 - Example: Marsupials in Australia
Slide 82 - Reproductive Isolation When organisms can no longer mate with other members. Due to differences in mating behavior or species becomes so different genetically the sperm can no longer enter the egg.
Slide 83 - Rates of Speciation Polyploidy Gradualism Punctuated Equilibrium
Slide 84 – Polyploidy Instant development of a new species in one generation! Sometimes chromosomes do not separate like they should during meiosis, which is the process that creates egg and sperm (gametes). If these gametes are fertilized, the offspring created can turn into an entirely new species because they have an abnormal number of chromosomes. Usually the organisms dies, but sometimes it can survive as a new species. Gametes Zygote
Slide 85 - Gradualism: Gradual = Little change over time. Species evolve slowly. Little change over a long period time.
Slide 86 - Punctuated Equilibrium: Punctuate = Bursts Species evolve in quick bursts followed by periods of no change. Big changes over a quick period of time.
Slide 87 - Patterns of Evolution Divergent Evolution Convergent Evolution
Slide 88 - Divergent Evolution: Diverge = move away When species evolve from the same ancestor. They start as the same species and then diverge (move away) from each other by developing different features.
Slide 89 - Convergent Evolution: Converge = Move Closer When organisms evolve similar traits but did not come from the same ancestor. Even though these organisms fly, they evolved from a different ancestor.