Outline The impact of advertising How advertising communication works Message reception and response How brands work Chapter 6 How Advertising Works
Chapter 6: How Advertising Works2 SMRC model of communication Interactive models stress two-way communications in which source and receiver change positions How Communication Works
Chapter 6: How Advertising Works3 How Advertising Communication Works Source: the advertiser –Objectives –Source credibility Noise: external and internal –External environment –Internal factors Message and media mix factors
Chapter 6: How Advertising Works4 Message Reception and Response Perception: breaking through –Exposure: making contact –Attention: creating stopping power –Awareness: making an impression
Chapter 6: How Advertising Works5 Message Reception and Response Learning: making it clear –Cognitive learning: creating understanding –Conditioned learning: creating associations –Memorability: creating locking power
Chapter 6: How Advertising Works6 Message Reception and Response Persuasion: changing attitudes –Attitudes and opinions: affecting beliefs –Emotions: affecting feelings –Involvement: creating engagement –Conviction: creating certainty Action: motivating behavior
Chapter 6: How Advertising Works7 Brand personalities Branding Trust Brand image Brand relationships Brand equity How Brands Work