Interesting Introductions Ways to make a good first impression!!
DIALOGUE The author begins with dialogue between the main character and another character. The brief conversation grabs your attention and raises story questions. Charlotte’s Web
ACTION The author begins with a character doing something memorable, and uses the action as the “grabber”. The action also reveals what the character is like. The Whipping Boy
QUESTION Another great opening is the use of a question. The author introduces a character and raises a question. Ex: Holes chapter 2
THOUGHTS The main character’s thoughts draw us immediately into the head and heart of the main character. Trying to get the reader to identify with the sentiments. Joey Pigza
SOUND EFFECTS This is a technique that student writers seem to enjoy the most. With this “grabber”, you get the reader to get inside the main character’s head and listen along. The Bridge to Terabithia
Grabbers Dialogue Question Action Sound Effects Thoughts & Feelings