Body Works Fitness Centers Marketing Strategies Let Us Help You Find The Healthy You!
Overview Marketing Goals Current Promotions/Publicity Other Marketing Ideas Next Steps
Marketing Goals Image -Hip -Cutting-edge classes and equipment -Not just a place to work out Acquire new members -Those without existing gym memberships -those who are members at other gyms Garner as much publicity as possible Attain strong promotional partners
Current Promotions/Publicity Running ads in several local newspapers and magazines Feature in -”US Health” magazine -”Get Fit” magazine Promotion with JUMP workout wear Limited time 2-for-1 membership incentive WNEW feature News segment on “What’s New in New York
Other Marketing Ideas Food product cross-promotion -Protein Bars - Bottled water -Other health foods More health/news magazine features\ New membership incentives -Free dumbbells with membership -Seasonal promotions Local online advertising
Next Steps… Prep sales staff for opening day Meet with potential promotional partners Create premium items for giveaways Preliminary plans for launch party HAVE A GREAT DAY!