Paul Derwent 14 Dec 00 1 Stochastic Cooling Paul Derwent 14 Dec 00
Paul Derwent 14 Dec 00 2 Idea Behind Stochastic Cooling Phase Space compression Dynamic Aperture: Area where particles can orbit Liouville’s Theorem: Local Phase Space Density for conservative system is conserved Continuous Media Discrete Particles Swap Particles and Empty Area -- lessen physical area occupied by beam x x’ x
Paul Derwent 14 Dec 00 3 Idea Behind Stochastic Cooling Principle of Stochastic cooling Applied to horizontal tron oscillation A little more difficult in practice. Used in Debuncher and Accumulator to cool horizontal, vertical, and momentum distributions COOLING? Temperature ~ minimize transverse KE minimize E longitudinally Kicker Particle Trajectory
Paul Derwent 14 Dec 00 4 Stochastic Cooling in the Pbar Source Standard Debuncher operation: 10 8 pbars, uniformly distributed ~600 kHz revolution frequency To individually sample particles Resolve seconds…100 THz bandwidth Don’t have good pickups, kickers, amplifiers in the 100 THz range Sample N s particles -> Stochastic process »N s = N / 2TW where T is revolution time and W bandwidth »Measure deviations for N s particles Higher bandwidth the better the cooling
Paul Derwent 14 Dec 00 5 Betatron Cooling With correction ~ g, where g is gain of system New position: x - g Emittance Reduction: RMS of kth particle Add noise (characterized by U = Noise/Signal) Add MIXING Randomization effects M = number of turns to completely randomize sample
Paul Derwent 14 Dec 00 6 Momentum Cooling Momentum Cooling explained in context of Fokker Planck Equation Case 1: Flux = 0 Restoring Force (E-E 0 ) Diffusion = D 0 Cooling of momentum distribution (as in Debuncher) ‘Small’ group with E i -E 0 >> D 0 Forced into main distribution MOMENTUM STACKING
Paul Derwent 14 Dec 00 7 Stochastic Stacking Gaussian Distribution CORE Injected Beam (tail) Stacked E0E0 ‘Stacked’ C(E) D(E)
Paul Derwent 14 Dec 00 8 Pbar Storage Rings Two Storage Rings in Same Tunnel Debuncher »Larger Radius »~few x 10 7 stored for cycle length 2.4 sec for MR, 1.5 sec for MI »~few x torr »RF Debunch beam »Cool in H, V, p Accumulator »~10 12 stored for hours to days »~few x torr »Stochastic stacking »Cool in H, V, p Both Rings are ~triangular with six fold symmetry
Paul Derwent 14 Dec 00 9 Debuncher Ring ßtron cooling in both horizontal and vertical planes Momentum cooling using notch filters to define gain shape 4-8 GHz using slot coupled wave guides in multiple bands All pickups at 10 K for signal/noise purposes
Paul Derwent 14 Dec Accumulator Ring Not possible to continually inject beam Violates Phase Space Conservation Need another method to accumulate beam Inject beam, move to different orbit (different place in phase space), stochastically stack RF Stack Injected beam Bunch with RF (2 buckets) Change RF frequency (but not B field) »ENERGY CHANGE Decelerates ~ 30 MeV Stochastically cool beam to core Decelerates ~60 MeV Injected Pulse Core Stacktail Frequency (~Energy) Power (dB)
Paul Derwent 14 Dec Stochastic Stacking Simon van Der Meer solution: Constant Flux: Solution: Exponential Density Distribution generated by Exponential Gain Distribution Max Flux = (W 2 | |E d )/(f 0 p ln(2)) Gain Energy Density Energy Stacktail Core Stacktail Core Using log scales on vertical axis
Paul Derwent 14 Dec Implementation in Accumulator Stacktail and Core systems How do we build an exponential gain distribution? Beam Pickups: Charged Particles: E & B fields generate image currents in beam pipe Pickup disrupts image currents, inducing a voltage signal Octave Bandwidth (1-2, 2-4,4-8 GHz) Output is combined using binary combiner boards to make a phased antenna array
Paul Derwent 14 Dec Beam Pickups Pickup disrupts image currents, inducing a voltage signal 3D Loops Planar Loops
Paul Derwent 14 Dec Beam Pickups At A: Current induced by voltage across junction splits in two, 1/2 goes out, 1/2 travels with image current A I
Paul Derwent 14 Dec Beam Pickups At B: Current splits in two paths, now with OPPOSITE sign Into load resistor ~ 0 current Two current pulses out signal line B I T = L/ c
Paul Derwent 14 Dec Beam Pickups Current intercepted by pickup: Use method of images In areas of momentum dispersion D Placement of pickups to give proper gain distribution +w/2-w/2 y x xx d Current Distribution
Paul Derwent 14 Dec Accumulator Pickups Placement, number of pickups, amplification are used to build gain shape Stacktail Core = A - B Energy Gain Energy Stacktail Core
Paul Derwent 14 Dec AntiProton Source Shorter Cycle Time in Main Injector Target Station Upgrades Debuncher Cooling Upgrades Accumulator Cooling Upgrades GOAL: >20 mA/hour