Library Services for the Data Analyst LT Craig Maxey
Context The healthcare environment is constantly changing with research and best practices published constantly Purpose Provide information to analysts about library resources that can enhance their analytical endeavors Outcome Increased awareness of library resources as well as contact information for attaining accounts FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2
User Eligibility Staff’s of the Surgeons General Tricare Management Activity Military Medical Libraries FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 4
Services Inter-Library Loans Full Text Databases E-Journals E-Text Books FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 5
Journals of Interest Healthcare Executive Critical industry topics such as technology trends, organizational performance, access to capital, and facilities management Best practices and management advice presented in special features, interviews and columns by recognized experts in the field Strategies based on groundbreaking research in areas such as governance, CEO turnover and diversity Real-world solution for meeting evolving challenges FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 6
Journals continued Harvard Business Review The latest business research and ideas Secrets to creating and executing strategy Advances in Operations Research Peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of operations research. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 7
Journals Continued American Journal of Operations Research Contains the following types of papers: Invited Reviews, explaining to the general OR audience the developments in an OR topic over the recent years Innovative applications of OR, describing novel ways to solve real problems Theory and methodology papers, presenting original research results contributing to the methodology of OR and its theoretical foundations FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 8
Upcoming Changes Library Currently is physically located at Skyline and includes a reading room as well as physical copy’s of all resources Library staff moving to DHHQ at the end of June Library will become virtual in conjunction with the move to DHHQ FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 9
Contact Information URL: Phone: Current Address: Room 670, Skyline Leesburg Pike Falls Church, VA 2041 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 10