Making good progress Restorative Approaches in Scottish Scottish schools Gwynedd Lloyd Gillean McCluskey University of Edinburgh
What’s happening in Scotland with RA? Follow-up report on three pilot authorities and some other authorities and schools.
3 models of development 1Whole school, permeative approaches emphasising preventive and educational approaches at all levels, as well as when things have gone wrong or relationships have broken down. 2Whole school approaches including class, subject and support staff but Restorative Approach seen as operating when things go wrong. 3 A higher stage model - the approach is used mainly by pastoral care, behaviour support staff and sometimes school management, when things have gone wrong and there has been conflict or harm.
Restorative Approaches Restorative exclusion Restorative re-admission Restorative conferences Adult mediation Restorative reflection activities Problem-solving & Restorative Circles Corridor conferences Classroom conferences Restorative Enquiry Restorative Conversations Restorative Language & scripts Restorative Ethos-building Emotional Literacy Circle Time Peer mediation Curriculum Social skills/conflict prevention
Overall… Some really impressive practice! Progress at varying rates HMI positive reports
Pair activity What’s been the most interesting aspect of RA for you so far? What has been the most challenging aspect of RA for you so far? (5 mins)
Still key High quality training and ongoing support for staff Positive modelling, direction and commitment by school management Need to include all school staff in RA awareness, not only teachers Flexible adaptation of approach to map on to school's identified current needs.
Still Key Both whole school approaches & more focused interventions Not only one successful model Involvement of parents important but still limited Links with other developments Increasing recognition that RA involves values, skills & processes
Recent developments Clusters, network & group training/support Embedding RA in policies/improvement plans Deeper awareness of links with other approaches Links with attainment CPD new /refresher Greater use between staff Thinking about punishment
Impressive practice developing Some schools really changed Some very skilful staff and pupils Recognition of power of RA Importance of continuing staff development and support - in both skills and processes keep it up…
Embedding RA in schools ‘ At first RP was a ‘ big thing ’. Now it is really part of the way we work and what we do ’. ‘ It has become the accepted way of solving conflict ’.
The way forward? In 3 groups Identify 6 key points for taking RA forward: for schools, for local authorities and for Scottish Government use flipcharts