Cultural Imaging Paula Fernandez; Kent Smith – WI RTI Center Shannon Chapman; Shawn Bonnin – Menominee Tribal School
Who we are Who you are Diverse schools? Urban/suburban/rural? Admin? Parent team members? Teachers, paras, student services?
Nationally we have significant issue with disproportionate outcomes in education. Wisconsin, depending on outcome measured is times worse including completion, engagement, academic and discipline measures. Addressing these challenges require multiple and complex responses. “We see the world not as it is, but as we are”
Take a minute and think about your school and classrooms and how they look and feel. Quick shout out (or raise hands for those of you who prefer that…) What do the halls look like (what is on the walls, etc.) How do the classrooms look, feel? (what books on display, what pictures, signs, music etc.?) Who’s culture, history, experiences are on display?
Implicit bias means we act based on what we know and prefer, and generally without being aware Attractiveness Real estate agents rated as more attractive sell homes for significantly higher prices (Salter, Mixon, & King, 2012) Height One inch of height is worth $789 per year in salary (Judge & Cable, 2004)
Our schools and classrooms implicitly reflect the staff and their cultures unless intentional effort is applied. Effect? Unintentional priority given to the dominant culture Disengagement of culturally diverse students and families
Build staff awareness around their own identity and culture and how that shows up in setting and practice. Validate and affirm the cultures and histories of all students and families served starting with the setting. Family and Student Voice Strong universal instruction Community involvement
Students and families should be able to come to school and feel a part of the school community. “Ownership” of the system and environment Continue the connection between home, school and community Family and community values are incorporated into practices
Students come to us having been taught to fluency behaviors, values, language and tradition. Strong Universal Instruction draws on prior knowledge and skills to make new concepts generalize easier and to build connections to the setting. Language Stories and teachings from home/community to teach concepts or content Engages students by telling them their histories and culture matters
Students return home to family and community and that first teaching. Building bridges to communities: Help reinforce teachings Provide natural and authentic cultural knowledge and resources Honor home and community where students can see themselves, their histories, their community as a welcome and essential part of the school community
Menominee Tribal School
Paula Fernandez – Kent Smith – Shannon Chapman – Shawn Bonnin –