Hard work High trust culture Failure to implement ethics code Use of anonymous s
Undesirable results Conduct of management in question Trust became an issue Slow company growth
Conflict of interest Director with stock in VideoTek customer Customer failed to meet agreements VideoTek continued investing with customer
Request of sensitive information Amy Masterson bribed $150,000 Amy refuses to provide information Amy terminated for her actions
Human Resources Nepotism policy reviewed Failure of two departments Employee compensation unequally distributed
Bribes issued to secure contracts Unclear standards of operation Rewards for non-employees Failure to consider all stakeholders
Managers as role models Conflicts of interest Weak culture as result of CEO behavior Reward systems
Stock options for all employees Rehire Amy Masterson Practice of nepotism eliminated Reelection of compensation committee
Consideration of new CEO Establishment of communications avenues Anonymous option terminated Punishment of unethical conduct
Professional Policy Eliminate Conflict of Interest Employee Stock Options Bribery Disciplinary actions Employment and Termination Policy Bonuses Code of Ethics