Brick Wall Homework Overview Brick wall Two types of row Big Brick Row Alternate Brick Row
Blocks needed to draw a brick row DrawBrick block - draws a single brick DrawHalfBrick block - draws the small brick for the edges of row Alternate Brick Row The DrawSpace block, which draws a space between each brick or half brick
Identify Distinct Steps to Draw Wall 1.Initialize 1.Pen color, size 2.Location, direction of sprite 2.Draw Big Block Row 3.Draw Alternate Block Row 4.Draw Space Between Rows
Putting it all together Level 3: First identified the lowest level or most atomic blocks we needed – DrawBigBrick, DrawHalfBrick, DrawSpace Level 2: Then identified the two types of brick rows which are made up of the level 3 blocks – DrawBigBlockRow, etc Level 1:Finally can build the wall by using the level 2 blocks
Homework Draw the brick wall below by implementing the blocks listed to the right You must implement all the blocks listed DrawBrick Hint: a brick is drawn by setting the pen size to about 10 DrawHalfBrick Hint: this brick will not be exactly half as long as the full brick. Part of this homework is figuring out how long the “half brick" should be