Social Studies Latitude and Longitude
Think- Pair- Share What are we talking about when we say 15 Degrees East Longitude by 25 Degrees North Latitude? What are we talking about when we say 15 Degrees East Longitude by 25 Degrees North Latitude?
date Essential Question How do I use latitude and longitude lines to find places on a map? How do I use latitude and longitude lines to find places on a map? Vocabulary Vocabulary lines of latitude lines of latitude lines of longitude lines of longitude equator equator prime meridian prime meridian
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DefinitionCharacteristics ExamplesNon-Examples Latitude
Definition The lines of latitude run east and west on a map. The lines of latitude run east and west on a map. Latitude lines are measured in degrees north or south of the equator. Latitude lines are measured in degrees north or south of the equator.Characteristics Latitude lines are parallel. Latitude lines are parallel. Latitude lines never meet. Latitude lines never meet. ExamplesEquatorNon-Examples Prime meridian Latitude
DefinitionCharacteristics ExamplesNon-Examples Longitude
Definition Longitude lines run north and south on a map. Longitude lines run north and south on a map. Longitude lines are measured in degrees east or west of the prime meridian. Longitude lines are measured in degrees east or west of the prime meridian.Characteristics Lines of Longitude meet at the poles. Lines of Longitude meet at the poles. Lines of longitude are farthest apart at the equator. Lines of longitude are farthest apart at the equator. Examples Prime Meridian Non-ExamplesEquator Longitude
Do Now Take out your Frayer Graphic Organizer from yesterday. Take out your Frayer Graphic Organizer from yesterday. Discuss the information with a neighbor. Discuss the information with a neighbor.
Latitude and Longitude lesson Do Now Do Now On a piece of paper, draw a picture that shows the following and label it. On a piece of paper, draw a picture that shows the following and label it. globe globe latitude lines latitude lines longitude lines longitude lines equator equator prime meridian prime meridian Use page in your textbook if you need help. Use page in your textbook if you need help.
Do Now 10-5 On the back of your latitude and longitude drawing, answer the following questions: On the back of your latitude and longitude drawing, answer the following questions: 1) What line of latitude separates the Northern and Southern Hemisphere? 1) What line of latitude separates the Northern and Southern Hemisphere? What line of longitude separates the Eastern and Western Hemisphere? What line of longitude separates the Eastern and Western Hemisphere? Name 1 fact about lines of longitude. Name 1 fact about lines of longitude.
Partner Activity Pick up activity lab Pick up activity lab Complete this with your partner. Complete this with your partner.
3-2-1 Tell me 3 facts about lines of latitude. Tell me 3 facts about lines of latitude. Tell me 2 facts about lines of longitude. Tell me 2 facts about lines of longitude. Tell me 1 fact about the equator. Tell me 1 fact about the equator.
Answer the essential question. Essential Question How do I use latitude and longitude lines to find places on a map? How do I use latitude and longitude lines to find places on a map?