Understanding Maps: The Language of Geography
Steps to Understanding a Map “Timmy Likes Cooking Steaks” Timmy Likes Cooking Steaks
Timmy Title The title of the map describes the information it represents
Likes Legend The legend lists the symbols used on the map, including any special colors or shading, and identifies what each symbol represents.
What is wrong here? Cooking Compass Rose The compass rose shows where the four basic directions – north, south, east, and west – are found on the map. What if there is no compass rose?
Steaks Scale Cartographers (mapmakers) use scale to show how much a map has been reduced, it shows the actual distance between places on the map.
Latitude and Longitude “Our imaginary friends”
Latitude imaginary horizontal lines that run parallel across the Earth The EQUATOR (identified as 0 degrees) stretches around the middle of the Earth It divides the Earth into two hemispheres (North and South) Latitude lines are described by how far north or south of the equator they are located, from 1 – 90 degrees
Longitude imaginary lines that run up and down the Earth The PRIME MERIDIAN (identified as 0 degrees) is the most important longitude line It divides Earth into two hemispheres (Eastern & Western) Lines of longitude increase from degrees
How to remember the difference? Ladder – tude and Long – e – tude SHUT YO MOUTH! Rhyme Time: Longitude lines go up and down, latitude lines go round and round Don’t give me no latitude!