Studying Geography, Economics, and Citizenship Chapter 2 Studying Geography, Economics, and Citizenship
Lesson 1 Studying Geography
Displaying the Earth’s Surface The earth is shaped as a globe. A globe is a spherical scale model. Best shows sizes of continents, shapes of lanmasses, and bodies of water. Maps Flat drawings of all or parts of Earth’s surfaces. Similar features Imaginary lines that divide into hemispheres
Hemispheres Equator is the middle line; circles the middle of the earth like a belt North Hemisphere South Hemisphere Prime Meridian East Hemisphere West Hemisphere
Finding Places on Earth Latitude and Longitude form a grid system Latitude is parallel to the Equator Measure distance North to South Longitude is parallel to the Prime Meridian Measure distance East to West
Five Themes and Six Essential Elements of Geography Location Place Human-Environment Interaction Movement Regions
Five Themes and Six Essential Elements of Geography The World in Spatial Terms Places and Regions Physical Systems Human Systems Environment and Society The Uses of Geography
Type of Maps Physical Maps Political Maps Special-Purpose Maps Show land and water Color include brown/green for lands; blue for water Show elevation Political Maps Show names and borders of countries Location of cities and human-made features Major physical features of land area Special-Purpose Maps Specific kinds of information
Reading Maps Symbols- signs or picture used on a map Scale- measuring line that tells the distances between places on a map Cardinal Directions (N-S-E-W)
Using Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams Tools that show information Title give the subject Different kinds Bar graphs, pie graphs, line graphs, diagrams Climate bar graph or Climograph shows long-term weather pattern
Population and Culture Choropleth- uses colors to show population density Migration Culture- set of beliefs, behaviors, and traits Language, religion, government, customs
Lesson 2 Exploring Economics
What is Economics? What goods and services should we offer? How should we create and distribute thee goods and services? Who will use these good and services?
What is Economics? Resources and production Four kinds of resources: land, labor, capital, entrepreneurship Land- natural resources Labor-Ability to do work Capital- money and goods use to help people make or do things Entrepreneurship- running a business and taking on riks
Supply and Demand First get good or service that is needed. Then, figure out how much of that good or service to offer. Supply: amount of good a producer wants to sell Demand: amount consumer wants to buy The law of demand says that the lower the price of a good or service, the more of it people will want to buy. Textbook p.39
Things that affect supply and demand... Scarcity Opportunity cost- what you give up to make it or buy it
Managing and Measuring Economies Economic Systems Traditional Economy Based on custom Children do same job as parent Command Economy Central gov’t decides what goods will be made and by who Market Economy Each person makes choices about what to make, sell, and buy
Managing and Measuring Economies Economies grow and shrink over time a.k.a. the business cycle Recession: economy rises slowly Inflation: rising prices; money buys less
Trade in World History Why do people trade? When both sides can benefit. Exports Imports Early civilizations often trade by bartering Goods and services are traded for other goods and services
Trade in World History Barriers to Trade Global Trade Conflict Geography Communication Production in own country Global Trade Globalization: international trade
Practicing Citizenship Lesson 3 Practicing Citizenship
Principles of Goverment U.S. Constitution Representative government: citizens elect gov’t officials Federal system: divides powers between central and state gov’t Separation of powers: divided among branches (legislative, executive, judicial) Checks and balances
What is Citizenship? Civic participation refer to the duties and responsibilities of all citizens. Comes from ancient Greece and Rome As citizens we have certain right such as freedom of expression and the right to vote
Duties and Responsibilities Obey all federal, state, and local laws Pay federal, state, and local taxes Serve on a jury People born in other countries can become citizen Stay informed about important issues and topics Respect views and rights of others Take part in local community
Being a Global Citizen Learn about the different issues that affect the world as a whole Other’s way of life Political hardships Hunger For example- Syrian immigrants How can you make the world a better place?