Due November 19 Trimester 1 Week 12 Instructor: Mrs. Darci Syfert-Busk Independent Study Assignments
Objectives Know how to convert measurements Understand how to use the “cross product” rule
6 th Grade Independent Study T1 Week 12 Due: November 19 Total Work Completed=_______% P.E. Math Next Field Trip Nov. 24-Hike No Class Thanksgiving Week (Bring/Pick Up work Tues. morning or at field trip.) 5 PE Credits Due Next Week Grade_________ Total Work_________ ____Chapter 5 Lesson 4. Do Questions Pg.247. ____Chapter 5 Lesson 5. Do Questions Pgs ____Redo Ch. 4 Lesson 5. Pg. 194 (Flip and Switch!!!) ____Worksheet Pg. 5, 28, 36 ____www.go.hrw.com (Lessons 5.4/5/5) Extra Credit….Go Fish Game Pg. 4. Study for Mid-Chapter Quiz…Pg Grade__________ Total Work____________
Housekeeping Schedule and phone contact Next PE-Hike Nov PE Credits due by Thanksgiving Progress Reports Benchmark Results PE Credits Grade Work Assignment Sheet PE Stamped work Math Science Social Studies Languages Arts
Story….”Dust of Snow”…”My Picture-Gallery”…”Saying Yes” Standards: Imagery Figurative Language Vocabulary: Rued Suspended Tableaus Pg. 28
Imagery Word Pictures that appeal to the senses Sight Smell Touch Hearing Taste What are some for fall leaves? Hike Packet
Big Morongo Preserve Hike Poetry Planner Name______________________
New Story…”Zlateh the Goat” Pg. 126 Video Standards: -Setting’s effect on the conflict and resolution -Summary -Verbs Ex- (spelling)
Summary Writing…Remember? 3 Part Topic SentenceYellows….Details Name it….Verb it….Finish it No Reds No conclusion sentence
Grammar Selection Support Principal Parts of Verbs Pg. 136 Present/Past/Past Participle Jump-is jumping/jumped/ has jumped
Spelling Ex- -Means out or away from -We excluded him from our club. -I exhaled after holding my breathe.
Daily Language Practice 1 sentence and 1 paragraph per week Fix sentences…. Fix Paragraph COPS 1.Capitalize Proper Nouns 2. Beginning of Sentences
Language Arts Main Objectives This Week: Use imagery and figurative language in a poem of your own Understand how setting effects a story and it’s problem/resolution Understand what principal parts of verbs are Understand what the prefix ex- means
Language Arts-T1 Week 12 ASSIGNMENTS: ______Read the rest of “Zlateh” Pg Do questions at end of story ______Review and Assess Pg. 135 ______Write a poem about something you saw on the hike. Use figurative language. ______Selection Support Pgs. 41, 43, 43, 44, 45 ______Daily Language Practice Week ? Read about the “Persuasive Essay” in the Writers Inc. book and on internet Study for Zlateh Test Grade_______ TW_________
Field Trip Topographic MapsExample: Pg. 63 Elevation: Height above or sea level Contour Lines-All points where the elevation is the same Pg. 65
Define and take a picture of…. 1. Superposition (Pg. 56)
Science 4.2 Pg. 82
Science Main Objectives This Week: -Understand how heat is transferred through convection, conduction and radiation -Know what the molecules in substances do when heated/cooled
Egypt…. Pg. 146 Video GIFT OF THE NILE! Nile River 4,100 miles long!
Vocabulary DefineLand of Plenty Cataract Delta Silt Fertile Yearly floods….silt dropped FERTILE soil Desert….kept invaders away Picture Pg. 153
Diorama Shoe Box See Requirements on Assignment sheet
Objectives for this week… Know the social roles of people within Egypt Know why Egyptians mummified people Understand what hieroglyphics were
History Assignments: _____Read Ch. 5 Lesson 2. Take Notes using Cornell Notes. _____Review Question Pg. 161 _____Workbook 5.2 _____ Mummification Sequence Chart Grade_____ TW______
11:30-12 Testing/Conference Time TestsConference No Tests! Study Time…make sure you understand all assignments Notes Packet
Bring 3 Ring Binder next week! Writing Portfolio Insertable cover
Computer Social Studies Project