Consumer Mobility AP Circle Principal General Manager (Network Operations) Developmental Meeting with Unions/Associations
Procurement of Battery and Power Plants (for Non-BSNL sites) Procurement of Batteries during the year Capacity Procured & allotted to SSAs Remarks 200 AH370 All the battery sets are installed and commissioned. After this, the average BTS downtime has come down from 40 Hrs to 18Hrs. 300 AH AH AH AH3 Total1793
Procurement of Battery and Power Plants (for Non-BSNL sites) Projected for Procurement for the year Status a. Procurement of Batteries a.Out of 2346 Battery sets projected for procurement, PO placed for 759 batteries. b.Procurement process for remaining quantity of battery and Power plants is under process by MM section, AP Circle Office, Hyderabad CapacityTotal QuantityPO placedBalance 300 AH AH AH138 0 Total b. Procurement of Power Plants Batteries 25 A (5+1) A (7+1) A (3+1) (3+1)210 Total3630
Monitoring of Network Parameters Parameter TRAI Norms Apr-14Apr-15May-14May-15Jun-14Jun-15 SSAs not meeting TRAI Norms Average Downtime < 14 hrs ADB CDP KHM MBN MDK NGD PKM VM VZM BTS availability > = 98 % TCH Congestion < = 2 % ADB KHM SKL VZM WL SDCCH Congestion < =1% CDP KHM VZM VM CTR Call Drop Rate < =2 % VZM Call Setup Success Rate > = 95 %
Target & Achievement for the year Tower (No. of sites) Revenue (in Cr) TargetAchievedTargetAchieved Amount Realized (%) BSNL Tower leasing out
Target & Achievement for the year Towers (No. of sites) Revenue (in Cr) Annual Target Proportionate Target / Achieved (as on July15) Annual Target Proportionate Target / Achieved (as on July15) / 22 (26.5%) / 5.28 (73.85%) Total BSNL sites leased out till date in AP Circle : 418 Sites BSNL Tower leasing out
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