“Knowing And Encountering God Through Spiritual Growth”
Grow To Know and Encounter God More Deeply I. Perspective On Growth II. Grow in W__________ of God III. Grow in O__________ to God IV. Grow in J___________in God V. Practical Steps For Growth
I. Perspective On Growth A. Priority of Growth – Phil. 3: B. Pattern of Growth – Eph. 5:25-32 C. Pace of Growth – Heb 12:1-2, 2 Pet 3:11-18 D. Position of Growth – Psalm 27:7-14
D. Position of Growth 1. Seek His Face 2. Turn From Evil Ways – 2 Chron. 7:14 3. Hosea 7:10 – “Pride…testifies to His face” a. Duty – Matthew 15:8-9 b. Religion – Phil 3: c. Others – Judas d. Self confidence – Rom 12:3, e. Selfishness – Matthew 16:24
II. Grow in Wonder of God Rev 1:10-20 Isaiah 6 Psalm 8:1-4
III. Grow in Obedience to God Duet. 30:8-10, John 21:15-17
IV. Grow in Joy in God Psalm 37:4 Psalm 63:5-6, Psalm 42:1-2, Psalm 63:1
V. Practical Steps For Growth Grow in Wonder Obedience Joy
III. Take A Stand By Sharing God's Truth Daniel 3: Peter 3:15 How Can A Good God Allow Suffering?
IV. Take A Stand For Righteousness Daniel 3:12, 15, Peter 3:8 How Can A Good God Allow Suffering?
IV. Take A Stand For Righteousness It “…Ain’t Easy!” Daniel 3:24 Is Jesus Real? Matthew 28:20
B. A Biblical Example – Daniel 3 Is God Real? Is Jesus Real? Is the Bible True? Secularism/Humanism Do All Roads Lead To Heaven? How Can A Good God Allow Suffering? Why Not Evolution? Does Life Have Meaning And Purpose?
V. Summary = Holiness 1 Peter 1:1-18 Daniel 1:15-21, 3:30 Does Life Have Meaning And Purpose?
V. If It Doesn’t Kill You It Makes You Stronger A.James 1:1 B. 2 Corinthians 4:16-17
B. THE RESURRECTION! 1. Matthew 28:1-20, Luke 23, I Cor. 15: I Cor. 15:14-19, I Peter 1:1-7
II. Is Jesus who He said He is? No Middle Ground!
A Quote From C.S. Lewis "A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic--on the level with a man who says he is a poached egg--or he would be the devil of hell. You must take your choice. Either this was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God. But let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being just a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us.
What Did He Say About Himself? I came from Heaven! I am the Messiah I am God –Same work –Same ability to give life –Same authority –Same honor –Same will
What Did He Say About Himself? I am the bread of life I existed before Abraham I am the eternal God, Creator of the Universe I am the door to salvation I am equal to God I am the resurrection and life itself I am the way, the truth, and the life I am the only way to God
Josh McDowell puts it this way; His claims are either True or they are False Evidence That Demands A Verdict
Jesus: His Claims Were Either False True
Assume they are False Then He either Knew they were False Or He believed they were True
Jesus: His Claims Were Either False True He didn’t knowHe Knew Or
Assume He Knew they were False Then He is not a great moral teacher He is a liar Hypocrite Demon Fool
Jesus: His Claims Were Either False True He didn’t knowHe Knew Deliberate Misrepresentation Liar Hypocrite Demon Fool Or
Assume He believed they were true He was sincerely deluded He was a lunatic
Jesus: His Claims Were Either False True He didn’t knowHe Knew He was deludedHe was a Lunatic Deliberate Misrepresentation Fool Demon Hypocrite Liar Or
But what if He is God? He Is LORD You have only two choices Accept Him and His Lordship Reject Him
If You Accept Him He offers you Eternal Life If You Reject Him You must expect Eternal Punishment
Jesus: His Claims Were Either False True Reject He is LORD He didn’t knowHe Knew Accept He was deluded He was a Lunatic Deliberate Misrepresentation Fool Demon Hypocrite Liar Or Eternal Life Eternal Punishment John 3:18 (*)
But what if He is God? He Is LORD You have only two choices Accept Him and His Lordship (*) His Lordship demands obedience!
But what if He is God? Reject Him and be forever lost!
What About A Believer? Can we claim He is our Savior and reject Him as our LORD? (*) His Lordship demands obedience!
III. How is Jesus' identity “proven” today? A. You are His Witnesses – Luke 24:48 B. John 17:20 C.Walk Worthy of His Calling (Eph 4:1, I Thes 2:9-12, Col 1:10-12)