EU Presidency Conference Effective policies for the development of competencies of youth in Europe Warsaw, November 2011 Improving basic skills in Europe - national policies and measures for mathematics and science education Teodora Parveva, Bernadette Forsthuber Eurydice Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency 1
Importance of competences in mathematics and science: Council conclusions (2008): Numeracy, mathematical and digital competences and an understanding of science are... vital for full participation in the knowledge society.... EU-benchmark: reducing the share of 15-year-olds with low achievement in mathematics and science to less than15% by
3 Understanding Education in Europe Education systems and policies in 33 European countries The Eurydice Network
Other reports on key competences 4
Mathematics Education in Europe: Common Challenges and National Policies 5 Curriculum Teaching methods Assessment Teacher education and professional development Low achievement Motivation and engagement
6 Mathematics Education in Europe: Common Challenges and National Policies Translating the revised curriculum into classroom practice Recent reforms: less mathematical content, more emphasis on links with other subjects, problem-solving and application of knowledge Further guidance on implementing changes in the classroom 6
7 Mathematics Education in Europe: Common Challenges and National Policies A range of teaching approaches to meet the needs of all learners Effective use of assessment methods Teacher education to promote flexible instruction 7
Tackling low achievement (1) Percentage of low achieving 15-year-old students in mathematics, 2009 Data: OECD, PISA 2009 database UK ( 1 ): UK-ENG/WLS/NIR 8
Tackling low achievement (2) Central level measures and/or support ISCED 2 No central measures and/or support Numerical targets on low achievement National level guidelines in addressing low achievement in mathematics, ISCED levels 1 and 2, 2010/11 Source: Eurydice. 9
10 Tackling low achievement (3) Early interventions at primary level Focus on individual weaknesses Additional teacher support in classroom Evidence based policies Targets and progress monitoring 10
Improving student motivation (1) Policy concerns related to skills shortages and the take-up of mathematics and related disciplines in higher education, 2010/11 UK ( 1 ): UK-ENG/WLS/NIR The number of HE graduates in mathematics and related disciplines is declining The gender balance among HE students in these disciplines needs to be improved There are skills shortages in areas requiring high levels of mathematical knowledge Source: Eurydice. 11
Improving student motivation (2) National strategies to increase student motivation in mathematics learning, 2010/11 National strategies and centrally coordinated initiatives No national strategy or initiative 12
Improving student motivation (3) Initiatives to cover all education levels Include a wide range of actions Focus on all students Address the gender issue 13
Science Education in Europe: National Policies, Practices and Research 14 Promoting science education Its organisation in schools Support for low achievers Assessment Teachers skills
Science Education in Europe: National Policies, Practices and Research Curricular reforms introduced science taught in context various forms of active, participatory and inquiry approaches focus on key competences approach 15
Science Education in Europe: National Policies, Practices and Research Integrated Separate subject End of ISCED1 School autonomy Source: Eurydice. Integrated and separate-subject science teaching by grade (ISCED 1-2), 2010/11 16
Source: OECD, PISA 2009 database. Percentage of low-achieving 15 year-old students in science, 2009 Tackling low achievement (1) 17
18 Tackling low achievement (2) No specific policies for science in place Only two countries report clear targets Measures frequently decided at school level 18
B Specific initiatives for science subjects C Support measures determined at school level Provision of support for students in science subjects (ISCED 1 and 2), 2010/11 A General framework and national programmes for all subjects A B C Tackling low achievement (3) 19
Promoting science education: strategies and policies Overall strategy exists Specific policies exist Source: Eurydice. Existence of an overall national strategy for science education, 2010/11 20
Promoting science education: strategies and policies Existence of national science centres or similar institutions promoting science education, 2010/11 Source: Eurydice. 21
Arrangements for standardised assessment in science ISCED 2ISCED 3 Standardised examinations/tests in science (ISCED 2 and 3), 2010/11 Source: Eurydice. 22
23 Science teacher education Strengthening teachers competences School partnerships Science centres – informal and formal arrangements More initiatives to change offer for continuing professional development than for initial teacher education 23
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