Goal: 1.showcase Hemanshu Shah's collection of studio glass art 2.Spark interest in glass art and guide user’s understanding of it 3.Cleaner focus on the art and give overall good impression Audience: Mr. Shah’s friends/family/coworkers, GOALS/AUDIENCE
Objective: -Make website more appealing for users -Easier to navigate -Art aesthetically appealing
Html pages: 4 CSS sheets: 1 JS functions: 3 js documents, multiple functions on each Galleries: 15 artist work galleries and 1 photo gallery – stored in arrays Client provided data: photographs and artist names Self-researched inputs in website: artist descriptions Website: Compare to: COMPLETED WORK
Efficiency: Used data arrays and a div instead of iframes (requires making separate html documents for each artist) Modularity Further work on website: Artists total: 31 Artists completed: 15 Font ACHIEVEMENTS