H ISTORICAL P ERIOD Dominant in Germany, but emerged elsewhere throughout Europe, including Paris Related to Impressionism and Fauvism Initially rejected by critics, thought of as lack of talent
C HARACTERISTICS “An Expressionist wishes, above all, to express himself…” Czech Art Historian Uses bold color and expressive lines Less realistic Distorts reality for emotional effect Evokes moods or ideas
E XAMPLE Who knows this painting? Is it realistic? What is the mood? What art elements do you see?
T HE C IRCUS BY M ARC C HAGALL What is happening here? How do you know? What is the dominant art element in this painting? How is it being used and what mood or idea is it conveyed? What is the feeling of this piece? What gives you that impression?
G RANDAD Is this realistic? What makes it so? How is color being used to convey an emotion? Who made this and who is in this picture?
G RANDAD Is this the same picture? What is different? How does the message change?
S ELF P ORTRAIT Who painted this? Who is the subject? What elements do we see? How are they used? What emotion is being conveyed? What does it say about his personality or self- image?
A SSIGNMENT Create a self-portrait, but not from a picture Use art elements expressively Convey an emotion or personality trait