Science Olympiad portfolio Ariana A.
Materials necessary to build About 1 Epoxy glue 2 1 liter “Smart water” bottle Scissors Construction paper Poster board About 1 Epoxy glue 2 1 liter “Smart water” bottle Scissors Construction paper Poster board
Fins The fins will be made out of poster board because poster board is strong and light material. Others materials are light weighted but are not strong enough. I will install three fins on a one liter bottle about 8.04cm away from each other. The fins each have a surface area of about 84 cm 2.
Glue The type of glue is epoxy glue. I will use about 15oz of it to glue on the 3 fins.
How much water should be put in a bottle rocket A bottle rocket should be about 1/3 full of water because water and if there is to much water and not enough pressurized air the water will add more weight to the bottle causing it to come down faster.