Relevance of chosen subject : traditionally, companies compete on the market in matters of price, service and quality. However, in times of crisis to keep customers only with elements mentioned above is getting harder. Today, prerequisite for stable position on the market, as a factor of competitiveness are trademarks. Purpose of diploma research : to investigate the aspect of office paper market in Ukraine, to improve and propose measures for the launch of the new TM «Magistr».
Tasks : - To analyze office paper market in Ukraine; -To analyze marketing environment and level of competitiveness of LLC TG «Interpap»; - To cary out practical analysis of marketing strategy in order to promote new TM «Magistr»; - To identify the problems and prospects of a new TM «Magistr»; - To develop measures to market a new brand of office paper. Object of the research: a new own brand of office paper under trademark «Magistr». Subject of the research: launch of a new brand of office paper «Magistr».
Design of TM «Magistr»
Results and conclusions : A series of measures to promote the new brand was developed. Promotion budget was calculated. Practical significance: Marketing implementation the results of the events described above is expected to: - increase the market share of office paper; - attract new customers; - increase sales; - improve the image of TG LLC "Interpap"; - meliorate competitive position.
Average consumption ,9 1,161,331,481,681,641,531,81,91,8 Average consumption of office paper A4/A3 in Ukraine per person per year, kg
Distribution of office paper between the major operators
Results of SWOT – analisys Company needs to strengthen its market position through: expanding the range of products; entering new markets; increasing in sales including for public funds; marketing their own brands. By using this strategy, LLC TG "Interpap" will be able to increase its market share and gain new advantages over the competitors.
Recommendations - promote sales at point of sale, orient it to end consumers; - carry out joint actions and campaigns with dealers; - expand the range of products including their own brands; - strengthen relationships with customers.
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