Careers in Psychology
Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist Psychologist PhD in psychology NOT a medical doctor Cannot prescribe drugs Variety of specialties Psychiatrist MD (medical doctor) Same basic training as any medical doctor Specializes in mental problems Can prescribe drugs
What different kinds of jobs do psychologist do? Clinical Psychologists – Diagnose and treat patients with mental problems – Conduct therapy in mental health clinics – Largest number of professional psychologist fall into this category
Basic Research vs. Applied Research Basic Research Academic psychologists work in universities Research is designed to increase our basic knowledge Applied Research Psychologist may work in a variety of places Research is designed to solve specific practical problems
Examples of Basic Research Neuropsychologists study how the structures of the brain work to produce behaviors Social psychologists study topics such as conformity, attitudes, and leadership Developmental psychologists study the growth and development of behavior from birth to death.
Examples of Applied Research Forensic psychologists apply the law and psychology to legal issues. Sports psychologists help athletes improve their performance. Industrial psychologists help businesses operate better. Consumer psychologists figure out why some people buy a product and others don’t.
Assignment Read pages 12 to 14 in your textbook. Using your notes and text complete the following assignment: Choose a type of psychologist that interests you most. Make a 8X11 poster about this type of psychologist. Your poster must include the name of the psychologist and what they do Total Marks 20 (5 for creativity overall quality, 5 for description of psychologist, 10 for representation in words and drawings)