: Reasoning in Geometry Helena Seminati Stephanie Weinstein
2 2.1: An Intro to Proofs A proof is a convincing argument that something is true. Start with givens: postulates or axioms. Can be formal or informal.
3 Types of Proofs m<1m<2m<3m<420°??? 30°??? 40°??? x°???
4 2.2 An Intro to Logic “If-then” statements are conditionals. Formed as “if p, then q” or “p implies q.” Conditionals are broken into two parts: Hypothesis is p. Conclusion is q.
5 Reversing Conditionals A converse is created when you interchange p and q (hypothesis and conclusion). A counterexample proves a converse false. ex: If a car is a Cheverolet, then it is a Corvette. ex: A Silverado. If a car is a Corvette, then it is a Cheverolet.
6 Logical Chains A logical chain is a set of linked conditionals. If cats freak, then mice frisk. If sirens shriek, then dogs howl. If dogs howl, then cats freak.
7 Conditionals from Logical Chains If cats freak, then mice frisk. If sirens shriek, then dogs howl. If dogs howl, then cats freak. First, identify the hypothesis and conclusions. Strike out any repeats. String them together to form a conditional.
8 If-Then Transitive Property An extension of logical chains, the If-Then Transitive Property is: Given: One can conclude: “If A then B, and“If A then C.” if B then C.”
9 2.3 Definitions AAAA definition is a type of conditional, written in aaaa different form. AAAA definition can apply to made-up polygons oooor traditional ones. AAAA definition has a property that the original cccconditional and the converse are both true.
10 Definition of a Vehicle Vehicles Planes Cars Wheelbarrows Bicycle Roller-coaster Not vehicles BooksComputersDSL “Anything that has wheels and moves people from place to place.” Not all definitions may be precise, so when creating or following one, read carefully!
11 Biconditionals Two true conditionals (of a definition) can be combined into a compact form by joining the hypothesis and the conclusion with the phrase “if and only if.” Statements using “if and only if” are biconditionals.
12 Helpful Websites An introduction to proofs: Conditional statements and their converses: conclusion-geometry-14 conclusion-geometry-14 conclusion-geometry-14 More on conditionals: d.htm d.htm d.htm
13 A Quick Review What are some types of proofs? What two parts form a conditional statement? What is the If-Then Transitive Property What is the essential phrase in a biconditional? What is the converse of this statement: If bob is old, then his bones are frail.