CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing 12/2/2015© 2009 Keith A. Pray 1 Class 1 Introduction Keith A. Pray Instructor socialimps.keithpray.net
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 2 12/2/2015
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 3 12/2/2015 Overview 1. Introduction 1. Course Staff 2. Text 3. Logistics 4. Purpose 2. Class Discussions 1. Critical Thinking 2. Discussion 3. Assignment
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 4 12/2/2015 Course Staff Instructor Keith A. Pray FL ? IM AIM, Yahoo- keithpray Google Chat- TA Avani Shastri
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 5 12/2/2015 Text A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet, 3rd edition Sara Baase Publisher: Prentice Hall Who’s read Chapter 1?
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 6 12/2/2015 Practice Quiz! 1. What is Ethics? 2. Explain at least 2 Ethical theories. 3. What is the difference between liberties (negative rights) and claim rights (positive rights)? 4. What information processing technology issue interests you most so far?
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 7 12/2/2015 Logistics Course Web Site Grading Due Dates Remember to put your name on slides, papers, etc. If we don’t know who you are we can’t give credit
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 8 12/2/2015 Purpose Learn about how computing affects society, and vice versa. Practice critical thinking skills. Practice written and oral presentations.
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 9 12/2/2015 Overview 1. Introduction 1. Course Staff 2. Text 3. Logistics 4. Purpose 2. Class Discussions 1. Critical Thinking 2. Discussion 3. Assignment
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 10 12/2/2015 What are the facts? What are people’s Viewpoints Biases Goals / Agendas How do things relate? Logical arguments “Because I Say So!” or Proof by Intimidation Some Critical Thinking Aspects
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 11 12/2/2015 More Critical Thinking Be conscious of word choices. Beware of conflating.
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 12 12/2/2015 Class Discussion What is technology? In your lifetime, what information processing technologies have been: Introduced Enhanced Become more prevalent. Pick one and discuss: What did people fear would happen? What actually did happen?
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 13 12/2/2015 Overview 1. Introduction 1. Course Staff 2. Text 3. Logistics 4. Purpose 2. Class Discussions 1. Critical Thinking 2. Discussion 3. Assignment
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing Assignment Create an information processing technology timeline You can choose any scope (time periods, domains, etc.) and format you like Example timeline - line_text.html line_text.html Write a 1 page paper that draws some conclusion using your timeline to illustrate your point. © 2009 Keith A. Pray 14 12/2/2015
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing 12/2/2015© 2009 Keith A. Pray 15 Class 1 The End Keith A. Pray Instructor socialimps.keithpray.net
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 16 12/2/2015 Class Discussion II Pick a story (real or fictional) which you have heard, read, or seen. What technologies were important in that story? How did they affect society?
CS 3043 Social Implications Of Computing © 2009 Keith A. Pray 17 12/2/2015 Social Implications of Technology Whole-Class Discussion Consider the Industrial Revolution Roughly the 19 th Century What technologies were introduced? What consequences did people fear? What actually happened?