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1)Watch the video clip of a football training session. What has the teacher done differently with regards to the set up of the game? What do you think the teacher is trying to achieve by making this change? (2 marks) HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
2) Watch the above video clip. The red team score a goal because of a mistake made by the last defender. What could he have done differently? Pay particular attention to the height of the ball (1 mark). 3)Replay the clip, the attacker in red strikes the ball on the half volley and scores a goal. What teaching points would you give a youngster when coaching volleying as a skill? (2 marks) HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
4)The above pupils are participating in a simple practice where they dribble close to the goal keeper and attempt to score a goal. Identify and explain the correct technique for dribbling in football (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
5)After watching the clips ‘A’ and ‘B’ which one do you think shows the better goalkeeping technique? For full marks you must justify / give reasons for your choice (2 marks). CLIP ‘A’CLIP ‘B’ HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
6)The clip above contains footage of an attacker heading the ball across goal to one of his teammates. Give 3 simple teaching points you might give a Y6 pupil if you were coaching them how to head the ball correctly (3 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
7)The video footage shows a clip from a 6-aside game at the end of a training session. The game is becoming very scrappy with neither team keeping possession of the ball for very long. If you were the coach involved, how could you condition the game to improve the standard of play? Explain your answer (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
8)In terms of evaluating both the teams involved in this training game, what would be your main criticism with regards to their general performance as a TEAM? What do they both need to do to improve the quality of football being played? (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
9)The above practice was set up to try and get the players to use the width of the pitch more in match situations. As a coach, how would you progress this practice to make it more competitive and ‘match specific’? Explain your answer (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
Performer ‘A’Performer ‘B’ 10) The two images above are snap shots of two performers about to strike the ball as part of a shooting practice. Which performer (A or B) do you think has the best technique? In your answer you must justify / give reasons for your choice (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVRULESRULES TESTTEST
1)The clip above shows the ‘pass back rule’ coming into play during a game situation. (a)Explain in full the meaning of the pass back rule (1 mark) (b)What will / should the referee award if a pass back occurs during a game? (1 mark). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
2)During the video clip a hand ball offence is committed during a practice game. (a)Will the awarding free-kick be ‘direct’ or ‘indirect? (1 mark) (b)What is the main difference between a direct and indirect free-kick? (1 mark) HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
3a)Name the technical offence that has been committed by the player in the red bib (attacking player). (1 mark). 3b)What will / should the referee (or assistant referee in full game) award once this decision has been given? (1 mark) HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
4)The above clip shows a goalkeeper practicing to save the ball in a ‘one on one’ situation. Officially, in a full 11 v 11 game, if a goalkeeper was to come out of his 18-yard area and illegally tackle the player (take out the player not the ball) in a ‘one on one’ situation, what should the referees decision be? Explain your answer (2 marks). HOMEPAGE PREVNEXT
5a)True / False? (Delete incorrect answer). If a player was to score directly from a corner with the ball staying in play throughout, the goal WILL be awarded? (1 mark). 5b)True / False? (Delete incorrect answer). The ‘offside rule’ does not apply if the ball is played directly from a throw in? (1 mark). HOMEPAGE PREV