Dot Art How to/Examples
Dreamtime Stories Australia Aborigines created stories to teach each other about the Dreamtime, these stories taught about life, including birth, love, food gathering, hunting, warfare, marriage and death but also about the Creation. The Aboriginal traditional way to educate about the Aboriginal History, Culture and Laws was storytelling, using a combination of Arts form such as painting, singing, music and dancing to illustrate the ancient "Dreamtime Stories". Traditionally, people telling a story would use the haunting sound of the didgeridoo with song and dances, but also symbolic drawing were created. These designs were traditionally used as body paint decorations for corroborees and as sand paintings for ceremonial purposes. Because the "Stories of the Dreaming" have been handed down through the generations, they are not owned by individuals. They belong to a group, the storytellers is choose by the Elders, and have the obligation to pass the stories along, ensuring that young people build and retain a sense of who they are.
Background Information Dot painting are the traditional visual art form of the Aborigines in Western Australia Central Desert. The canvas is covered in small dots of paint which create patterns and symbols. These symbols can easily be recognize by those familiar with the Dreamtime Story illustrated. Bright colors are now more common with the use of acrylic paint, but traditional dot painters used natural pigments such as ochre, crashed seeds.
Dreamtime symbols
Dot Art Instructions We are going to use a pencil and lightly draw your picture. Then decide where you want the colours and sketch them out on your drawing. we are going to use Q-tips to make our dots.