UNECE Joint Ad Hoc Expert Group on Water and Industrial Accidents Péter Kovács Ministry of Environment and Water, Hungary 4th meeting of the parties of the Helsinki Water Convention November 2006, Bonn Germany
Lessons Learnt Industrial Hazardous Incidents at waters are often has transboundary impact, and far-reaching, with even with small amounts of released dangerous substances
Activities of JEG 7 meetings, 2 times reporting on Convention’s meeting I.Implementation Report on the Hamburg Recommendations, II.Internet-based Information Platform on existing safety guidelines and best practices, III.Safety Guidelines/Best Practises for Pipelines IV.Information exchange on bi- and multilateral Pilot Projects, V. Early warning and alarming systems, international response exercises.
Structure UNECE Safety Guidelines Safety Guidelines adopted by International River Commissions (i.e. Rhine, Danube) Safety Guidelines adopted by bileral Joint Bodies National Safety Guidelines and/or technical Standards other related Guidelines or Activities II. Information platform
Transboundary Cooperation for Hazard Prevention at the Kura – River Catchment German Assistancy Project Harmonised contingency planning in the Szamos/Somes river basin IV. Information exchange on bi- and multilateral Pilot Projects,
“Integration of Monitoring Stations in Early Warning Systems” JEG Cooperation with UNECE – WG Monitoring and Assessment UNECE-Seminar, Georgia, 28 September 2006 V. Early warning and alarming systems
German-Polish response excercise „Odersprung 2005” V. International response exercises.
Provision of Guidance and Assistance to Countries with Economies in Transition in the Implementation of the Conclusions and Recommendations of the Hamburg Seminar; Provision of Guidance for establishing Cross-border Contingency Plans; Promotion of the organization of Response Exercises, in particular in the transboundary context; Drawing up Guidelines/Best Practices for Tailing Dams. UNECE Joint Expert Group Work Plan for
„Transboundary Cooperation on Risk Management at the Dniester River Basin“ German Assistancy Project Provision of Guidance for establishing Cross-border Contingency Plans
Promotion of the Organization of Transboundary Response Exercises
“Safety Guidelines for TMF” International Steering Group (UNEP, UNDP, ICOLD, World Bank, ICPDR) UNECE-Seminar (& Exercise) Georgia, 2007 „Safety of TMF“ Draft „Safety of TMF“ Draft Document based on: “Management of tailings and waste rock” (BREF-document EIPPCB, July 2004)
Future tasks Drawing up Guidelines/Best Practices for the Navigation of Ships on Rivers Development of Methodologies to identify Hazardous Activities that handle smaller amounts of substances than those specified in annex I to the Industrial Accidents Convention
Obstacles in the work of the JEG The composition of the Joint Expert Group is unbalanced. We need more input from the side of Water Convention. More active participation is required in the implementation of the future workplan and in the organization of the meetings. Continuous and active work is expected in the already ongoing tasks ( e.g. Information Exchange Platform ). There is a need for a sound financial base to support eligible countries.
Thank you for your attention !
Report on the implementation of the conclusions and recommendations of the Seminar on the Prevention of Chemical Accidents and Limitation of Their Impact on Transboundary Waters, Hamburg, Germany
Questionaire (very simplified) A.Legislation B.Provisions and Guiding Principles C. Experiences, Lessons Learnt and Obstacles Out of 26 countries only 15 has answered, after 3 reminder! ??? !
Legal background and permitting procedure are already implemented - UNECE “Industrial Accident”- Convention - UNECE “Water”-Convention - EU “Seveso”-Directive - EU IPPC-Directive - EU WFD However this legislation comprises only the frame but defines no specific technical Measures and Standards !
Specific Guidelines are especially worked out by the International River Commissions of Rhine, Elbe, Odra and Danube. These recommendations could serve as Guiding Principles for compliancy regarding the necessary measures and standards. Regular inspection, preparation of contingency plans are the part of the process. Provisions and guiding principles
Experiences, lessons learned and obstacles Accidents, flood events has to be planned ! e.g. Flood Mapping is very useful! Proper treatment facilities has to be installed ! Retention facilities has to be installed! Financial restrictions has to be solved! e.g. Especially in the case of medium and small sized installations!
Thank you again for your attention !
Safety guidelines and good practices for pipelines.
1.International Steering Group of Pipeline Experts was established. Drafting a Discussion Document was based on OECD Guiding Principles (Art. 17 c) and on inputs provided by operators authorities, NGO’s. 2. Workshops i) Prevention of Water Pollution due to Pipeline Accidents ii) Prevention of Accidents on Gas Transmission Pipelines
Pipeline Management System Design and Construction Emergency Planning Inspection
Workshop on the Prevention of Accidents on Gas Transmission Pipelines The Haag, 8/9 March 2006 Risk Assessment Land Use Planning Information Policy Lessons Learnt
Outcome: „Safety Guidelines/Best Practices for Pipelines“ ECE/CP.TEIA/2006/11 – ECE/MP.WAT/2006/8 I.Principles II.Recommendations UNECE-Parties Competent Authorities Operators ANNEX Pipeline Management System Design and Construction Emergency Planning Inspection Hazard/Risk Assessment and Land Use Planning
A non-legally binding document, which we hope will be widely applied by authorities, pipeline operators and the public in all UNECE member countries and which will contribute to the limitation of the number of pipeline accidents and the severity of their consequences for human health and our environment.
Thank you for your kind attention !