Japan Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System Preparedness
Earthquake Tsunami Tsunami Warning Center Internation al/Regional Framework National Warning System Public Awareness & Preparedness National Government Local Government People Mass Media Where is Evacuation Route? What is Tsunami? Community Based Disaster Reduction TSUNAMI Early Warning Overview
Hikkaduwa, Gall Province, Sri Lanka If we know about Tsunami, people can evacuate safely ! 26 Dec Tsunami Disaster in Indian Ocean
Evacuation from TSUNAMI RACE Against TIME
Tsunami Evacuation Plan
Inundation Area Tsunami Arrival Time Town Watching Evacuation Map Evacuation Drill Local Gov. Community Shelter & Evacuation Route
Workshop & Town Watching GovernmentCommunity
Workshop & Town Watching 1 st Workshop 2 nd Workshop Town Watching 3 rd Workshop Study about Tsunami Find out the Dangerous Points in the Community Make the Evacuation Map Find out the Future Tasks
1 st Workshop - What is Tsunami? - How long will it take after the Earthquake? - Where is inundation area?
Town Watching Let’s find out the Dangerous & Safe Points in the Community
2 nd Workshop Let’s make a map. - Which road is good as the evacuation route? - Where we should evacuate?
3 rd Workshop - We should improve the evacuate route for children and elderly people. - We should put the sign for the shelter.
Evacuation Map Sample
Evacuation Plan For Each Area
Evacuation PLAN PLAN Evacuation DRILL
Evacuation Drill Check an evacuation route A drill for revival
1896 Sanriku Tsunami 1933 Sanriku Tsunami
Recorded Tsunami Height Tsunami Height
Upstairs (evacuation area) Aonae, Okushiri Upstairs Ground level
Tsunami Water Gate
Bank protect from tsunami was constructed in Two giant tsunamis attacked this area in 1854.
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