AfDB Partnership Forum March 2010 ClimDev-Africa Climate for Africa ’ s Development Anthony Nyong Head Gender, Climate Change and Sustainable Dev. Unit March 24, 2010
Problem Focus Insufficient access to, and utilization of climate information in Africa. Weak institutional capacities Need to integrate climate information into development planning in Africa. Mandated by the African Union
Problem Focus
Goal and Objectives Goal: Contribute to sustainable development, by implementing climate-resilient development programs that mainstream climate change information into development planning at all levels in Africa Purpose: To strengthen the institutional capacities of national and sub regional bodies to make and implement climate-sensitive policy effectively. Jointly implemented by AfDB, UNECA and the AU Commission Initial budget of US$ 135 Million
Implementation Focus on institutional strengthening Support the upgrading of observation networks and infrastructure Enhance scientific capacity to produce effective and policy-supporting analyses Strengthen regional, national and local level developmental programs
Projected Outcomes Enhanced access of end-users to good quality and useful climate Information Enhanced scientific capacity to generate useable information in Africa Enhanced capacity of policy to integrate climate information into developmental processes.
Work Program Establishment of ACPC Enhancement of Capacities within AUC Governors’ Approval of Creation of ClimDev Fund. Organization of pledging meeting Commencement of project Activities
Collaboration Rescue of historical meteorological and hydrological data Upgrade of observation and data collection systems and networks Development of early warning and seasonal forecasting systems Training of African scientists and policy on climate risk analysis and management.
Financial Support African Dev Bank - $30 million DFID - £10 million Sweden – About $8 million European Commission – About € 6 million Funding Gap: About $100 million
ClimDev-Africa Thank You Contact Gender, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Unit African Development Bank Tunis