Cheer Squad Specifics Due to financial and logistic reasons, we have opted to conduct one tryout for all HHS Cheerleaders. Everyone will cheer for HHS football. After the tryout, we will choose the competition squad based on tryout scores. Students who are not selected for competition squad will cheer for basketball. This may change if we don’t have the desired number of cheerleaders to make each squad. BENEFITS OF THIS ARRANGEMENT: Increased number of participants will result in a decreased time commitment during basketball season. An elite competition squad that can boost student morale.
Tryout information Score Sheet Cheer- 30 points Dance- 30 points Jumps- 30 points Toetouch Pike Optional (double jump, herkie, hurdler) Tumbling- 30 points (not mandatory, but points awarded will be beneficial) Standing Back-handspring: 10 points Standing Back-tuck: 10 points Tumbling Pass: 10 points Overall Presentation- 10 points Leadership- 20 points Grades- 8 points Discipline- 6 points Recommendations- 6 points
Paperwork required before clinic Cheer application Cheer constitution signature sheet Permission for clinic Physical form Athletic permission form Matrix Waiver Birth Certificate Teacher Recommendations
Tryout Dates Optional Clinic April 20 3:30-5:30 Cost: $20 Tryout Clinic April :30-5:30 CD can be purchased for $3 Tryouts April 24 4:00-TBD Black athletic shorts, white t-shirt or racer back, white ribbon (no cheer bows) No jewelry, fake nails or colored nail polish
Expenses Approximate total cost: $2,000 We can lower this cost by fundraising After tryouts we will hold another parent meeting to discuss camp expenses. A payment of approximately $410 will be due May 1 st in order to secure our camp placement. A payment for camp attire will be due May 8 th (Estimated cost $775) Matrix $50/month (mandatory for competition)
Constitution Please read the constitution at We will go over this in detail after tryouts, but be cognizant of the expectations and consequences.
Important Dates for Summer Fitting: April 7 pm Camp: June 8-12 Little Panther Clinic will be at the end of July Summer Matrix Practices