Periodic Table of Elements Jeopardy Click here to play the jeopardy themehere
Protons Neutrons Electrons Atom and Matter
What is a Proton? Answer
A proton is a positive tiny particle, located in the nucleus.
How many protons are in Gallium? Answer
How many protons are in krypton? Answer
How many protons are in einsteinium? Answer
How many protons are in francium? Answer
What is a neutron? Answer
Particles in an atom that has no electronic charge
Where is the neutron located? Answer
In the nucleus of an atom as well as the proton surrounded by the rings with electrons on them
How many neutrons are in cadmium? Answer
How many neutrons are in mercury? Answer
How many neutrons are in rutherfordium? Answer
What is an electron? Answer
A negatively charged particle that surrounds the nucleus
What do you call the rings that the electron float on? Answer
The inner and outer core
How do you find how many electrons are in an atom? Answer
You look at the atomic number
What is an atom? Answer
A small particle that makes up everything
What is matter? Answer
Anything that takes up space and has mass