About the Sculpture Made in the late Hellenistic or Roman period about 150 B.C. Height: 38.3 cm Made of marble Broken off at the neck From a collection when Odysseus blinded the Cyclops
Who is Polyphemus? Cyclops that trapped Odysseus and his crew Ate flesh of any kind Son of Poseidon Blinded by Odysseus Mythical semi-human monster in huge proportions, had one eye in the center of his forehead
Comparison Polyphemus the Cyclops Greek Titan
Both are mythical destructive monsters Feared creatures Enormous in size and strength Kill anything that is a threat to them One is from Roman and one is from Greek Mythology Titans attacked for power but Polyphemus would attack in self defense
Polyphemus’ Role in the Odyssey Captures Odysseus and his men Odysseus and his men sharpened a pole to blind the Cyclops They got him drunk off wine and blinded him The Cyclops was forced to move the boulder and the men all escaped Polyphemus prayed to his father Poseidon to send them a curse and for the rest of their journey Poseidon was their enemy