Unit 5 Spreadsheets 5.09 Sorting & Filtering
Introduction How many times have you had to sort words in alphabetic order or you needed to find certain criteria like the month everyone who has a birthday in the current month? A sort command allows you to sort the rows in the spreadsheet based on the data in the selected column. You may need to sort the data A-Z, lowest to highest ( ascending ) or of Z-A, highest to lowest ( descending ). The data can be alphabetic or numeric. A filter command allows you to display only the rows that meet specific criteria, like birthdays for a certain month. Many times you organize the data and then type it in the order needed, but with Excel you can enter all the data and then organize it. This is a great time saving feature. You can even sort or filte r by multiple field levels.
Introduction At the end of this lesson, you will be able to: – Utilize spreadsheet features, including formulas, functions, sorting and filtering data, templates, charts, and graphs in creating, editing, and printing workbooks. (ACOS 6)
Lesson In this lesson you will learn to sort and filter data you have entered into a spreadsheet. The ability to narrow down data to find specific criteria will be beneficial to you in being able to quickly retrieve data without having to manually sort through the material and possibly omit data. If you have difficulty with sorting and filtering your spreadsheet, use the following links to help. – Microsoft Office: Sorting Microsoft Office: Sorting – FGCU: Sort and Filter FGCU: Sort and Filter – Microsoft Office: Filter Microsoft Office: Filter
Task 1 In this lesson you need to go to Money Central Stocks and research 15 companies like Wal-mart, Target, Microsoft, etc. You need to obtainMoney Central Stocks – the name of the company, – stock symbol and – the current stock value. – Organize this data in a spreadsheet and create the following column headings: Company Name, Company Symbol, Stock Value, Number of Shares, and Your Stock Value. Enter the names, symbols, and value of the each stock. Then put 50 or 100 shares for each stock in the “Number of Shares” stocks. Do not make all of the “Number of Shares” 100 or 50. Mix it up. Then create a formula that will calculate “Your Stock Value ” for each company you own stock in. HINT: The formula will involve multiplying. Now, open the 5.09 Stock Sort Instructions. Complete this activity. Be certain to saved your sorted file.5.09 Stock Sort Instructions Save to your F Drive in your Unit 5 Folder as – 5.09 Stock Sort Dropbox.
Task 2 Now that you understand how to sort, let’s learn about filtering. Remember, filtering allows you to display only the rows that meet specific criteria. Open the Stock file you created in Task 1 and follow the 5.09 Stock Filter instructions.5.09 Stock Filter instructions Save to your F Drive in your Unit 5 Folder as – 5.09 Stock Filter Dropbox.
Unit 5 Folder Remember to save all of your work to your Unit 5 folder!
Are you finished? You should have – 17 files Saved to your F Drive – in your Unit 5 Folder Introduction to Spreadsheets Dropbox Number Format Dropbox Interest Schedule Dropbox Nielson’s Top Ten List Modern Day on First Charts Worksheet Dropbox Create Chart Dropbox Pie Chart Bar Chart Line Chart Reading Charts Dropbox Digital Use Dropbox Functions Dropbox AutoSum Dropbox Commission Dropbox Loan Dropbox Grade Averager Dropbox